Gay - Thinking about Being Methodist or Episcopalian

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I’ve recently come out to my parents as gay. You might remember me as someone who was convinced of Catholicism’s authenticity. I’ve personally come to accept my sexuality and how I feel toward the same-sex. Now, it seems like Catholicism is restricting me from living out my life how I was meant to. Can someone convince me otherwise?
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I’ve personally come to accept my sexuality and how I feel toward the same-sex. Now, it seems like Catholicism is restricting me from living out my life how I was meant to.
How are you meant to live out your life?
You might remember me as someone who was convinced of Catholicism’s authenticity.
So what now? Because you have come out to your parents you are now unconvinced?
You will turn your back on what you were convinced was authentic because it won’t allow you to engage in what you are “meant to be?”
Is the topic putting the camoderator in a panic?😬😱🤯
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Being with who I love.
I think this thread is about sexual relationships, not love. We can love everyone. We can “be with” far fewer. And sexual relationships are even more restricted as you know.

So your question is, “why cant I have a sexual relationship with whomever I Love”?
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I’ve recently come out to my parents as gay. You might remember me as someone who was convinced of Catholicism’s authenticity. I’ve personally come to accept my sexuality and how I feel toward the same-sex. Now, it seems like Catholicism is restricting me from living out my life how I was meant to. Can someone convince me otherwise?
Well, I would start at creation. In Genesis, we are told that God created man in the image of God as male and female. He further gave them the command/blessing to go forth and be fruitful and multiply and rule over the earth. So that was God’s original intention. The question here is whether that has ever changed.

If we look to Leviticus 18:22 we see that this design has never changed, that God sees the violation of this as an abomination before him.

Lest we think that for some reason God has revoked this purpose, we can look to Paul’s discussion in Romans 1 where we see Paul use the example of homosexuality as an explicit example of man’s exchanging the truth of God for a lie, and that because of this steadfast rebellion against, God can and does at times abandon them to obey their desires rather than repent of their sins.

However, we are called to repent of sin. Christ came that we might repent and be saved through him. As Paul states: Do not be deceived, neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor the drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. However, he goes on: Such were some of you; but you were washed; but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God.

If we take God’s word seriously, then it is clear that you are NOT meant to live a life enslaved to homosexuality. You were bought with a price. The question you need to answer is, are you going to remain hardened in your sin, or will you repent and ask Christ for forgiveness?

I would urge you to really consider what God has said on this subject rather than listen to ears itching to hear the word of man that satisfies the desire to remain in sin rather than to obey the word of Christ and repent.
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I feel that I’m meant to live my life with the person that I’m in love with. It doesn’t mean I still don’t love Christ.
If I met someone at work and they were married, I couldn’t date them. If it was a married neighbor, I couldn’t date them. Maybe they are single but not keen on dating me. There will be lots of people come through your life that are attractive yet not available. That’s how life goes.

We are here for a short time. Do what you need to to stay close to God. All of us have things that want to pull us off the rails. Don’t fall for it.
Now, it seems like Catholicism is restricting me from living out my life how I was meant to.
Ah, yes. It’s the same for all who sin - fornication, adultery etc - we just want to be happy. Surely God wants us to be happy to. (said tongue in cheek).

God does want us to be happy and that is why He gave us the 10 Commandments.

It is us who rebel and refuse to obey and break His Commandments for many reasons. All of which we can justify to ourselves at the time of acting.

All people are called to be chaste. Before marriage, every man and woman are to practice chastity, and once married the couple should also practice chastity within their marriage. Those who are Catholic and find themselves civilly divorced are also to be chaste - perhaps for the rest of their lives, or until the spouse dies - then they are free to remarry.

Being SSA, does not exclude you from the obligation of being chaste.

As a Catholic does being SSA mean you are to remain chaste in thought and deed, not have a physical relationship with another of the same sex? Yes it does.

Each person on this earth has their own cross to carry, and each is different in various ways to others. When we are overburdened then is the time to turn to the Lord and seek Him - “Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28

And just so you know - one of my children when 14 “came out” and told me they thought they were gay. This child is now married with 4 children.

Abandoning the Catholic Faith when you know it is the true Faith, is a very serious matter. Some examinations of conscience list it as a grave sin (if committed with full knowledge and full consent it is mortal).

God made you male or female but due to the Fall of our first parents, sin entered the world and human nature became wounded and inclined to sin. Being ‘gay’ is not how God meant you to be.

Don’t throw your eternal happiness away in exchange for what 80 or so years of what you now think will be happiness.
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