Gay - Thinking about Being Methodist or Episcopalian

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sincerely, do you think this is what Christ wants for you or what you want for you?
I honestly don’t know anymore. The Methodists seem to think he wants me to be happy the way I am, so why not give that I shot?
@TheBomb.Com, have you talked to your priest about this? Given your age and the nature of this topic, I don’t feel that an internet forum is the best way to have your questions answered thoughtfully.

If you aren’t able to talk to your priest, I would encourage you to reach out to a Catholic LGBT ministry, as they’d be well equipped to provide assistance. I know some gay and lesbian Catholics who have had positive experiences with Courage International.
Teenagers really need a person to model and show them what chastity looks like. What love looks like, that it’s patient and kind, never seeking self interest but what is best for others.
Would you take that on? That is modeling who Christ is for others, and the world is desperate for such a model.
In this time, today, that’s who Christ is looking for. Is that you?
I hope so.
God first and foremost calls us to holiness in this life. Happiness is great, but it’s false if it comes from unholy things.
I honestly don’t know anymore. The Methodists seem to think he wants me to be happy the way I am, so why not give that I shot?
Does that make the methodists right?
I’m a priest.

I sacrificed family and probably a lucrative career doing almost anything else to serve the One True God who called me to be a priest in the One True Church.

Are you saying it was wrong and foolish of me to do that? I could’ve just been Methodist, if they indeed speak for Christ and the Catholic Church does not.

Please let me know so I can get my life in order.

It was a mistake coming here. Thanks for your answers. I’ll just go pray about it. I’m sorry I wasted you guys’ time.
I would be weary of any theology that appeals to the carnal, to desires of the flesh, to prioritizing the self. Life is sacrifice… life is about denying the self for the sake of something infinitely greater. At least in the Catholic faith.

I think of it this way… what personal and self gratifying indulgences compare to the backdrop of eternity. Life is but a super tiny blink of an eye. What can we gain that is worth putting our standing with God at risk. Even if I were an atheist, I couldn’t imagine anything of this fleeting, super temporary world that could be worth the risk of even a mear possibility of my being wrong. Memento mori.
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Ask yourself this: am I, as a person, just my sexuality, or am I something more? Is my sexuality my essence, or just a part of me? Then ask yourself: how can I best fulfill the end for which I was made? Will satisfying my sexuality above all else help me to reach this end?

Then, pray over the answers.
The people here care too much about your salvation to tell you what you seem to want to hear. The Church cares too much about your salvation to tell you what you want to hear.

Not long ago you were convinced the faith is true. Now it seems you want to choose your attractions and inclinations. This is not the way you were meant to be, despite what the culture says. You are not the sum total of your attractions and inclinations. That is not your identity. Your identity is as a child of God, who should live in the truth, live in the way he created us to live. To live contrary to how we were created only hurts us. To resist temptation and seek Holiness is what builds us up.

Seek help from your priest. You’re young and confused.

Know I’m praying for you.
Your placing your will and desires against gods will and desires. Simply because your potential sins are accepted in other denominations does not mean they are no longer sins. Feelings often can lead us into sin if not balanced with the true and authentic teachings our lord left us through his church.
You are mixing concepts together. The word of God as in the Old Testament is not necessarily the word of Paul which is not necessarily the Word of Christ which is not necessarily the word of the ruling elite.
I think it is you are who mixing concepts from outside of what scripture says to come up with a completely new interpretation of scripture. The word of God in the Old Testament IS the word of God of the New Testament to include what Paul writes. We believe in one God, not two. What you have essentially suggested is a form of Gnosticism wherein the God of the Old Testament is somehow separate from the God of the New Testament. This is flatly denied by New Testament revelation which holds both that there is only one God, and the second person of the Trinity is indeed God and is in agreement with the father. On the contrary, Christ tells us that he did not come to repeal the law but to fulfill it. Furthermore he says that it would be better for anyone who breaks one of the least of his commands and teaches others to do so to be thrown in to the sea with a large millstone around their neck. That’s a pretty emphatic statement. John as well affirms that he isn’t giving us a new command, but an old command that we have had from the beginning when he tells us to keep the commands of Christ.

With regard to me judging, you are quite mistaken. I also have need to repent of sin, and daily do so. What I have done is not proclaim judgment but warn a brother against being hardened in his sin, something that Christ explicitly tells us to do. Allowing my brother to remain in sin is not loving. It is actually the demonstration of lack of love for my brother.
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You are still young. It’ not too late to change your mind and avoid a life of suffering. But if you insist on such a deathstyle that cries out to heaven, than you are free to condem yourself. I sincerely hope you change your mind before it’s too late.
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When a person breaks the Commandments, the Commandments are not broken. They remain entirely intact, and it is we who lie in pieces on the ground.

When we leave God, it becomes very hard to find our way home.
It was a mistake coming here. Thanks for your answers. I’ll just go pray about it. I’m sorry I wasted you guys’ time.
You have not wasted anyone’s time. I think you will find there are a good many people here who are concerned for your sake. Will keep you in my prayers. I am sorry that you are dealing with such confusion.
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Hey OP. I beg you, to wait. Just wait. Please do not act on this desire. Give it a bunch of years - 4, 5 6 years or more, to make sure it is permanent. Focus on other parts of yourself. I know that most of our culture will not agree, but you are far too young right now to know if this is permanent or just a passing thing.

Don’t change God to suit you. Dare to allow God to change you, to make you more like him, and more like what he created you to be. By picking & choosing from what God says, we cheat ourselves out of the great power and vibrancy of Christianity, and too often for no better reason than because it doesn’t match up with what we happen to be feeling at the moment. There is much more at stake here than you realize. Trust God more than your own feelings. Every time I have done this I end up SO glad I did - I can be my own worst enemy, but God loves me enough to steer me right.
Some real good replies here for you to consider. I will just add 1 thing.

There is only ONE reason I’m Catholic. It’s because I’m convinced it’s the only TRUE Church Jesus established.

The only reason to be in any church is because it’s TRUE, not because it suits the way I want to live.

Put God first and everything will work out no matter how hard the struggles are, He wont abondon you, dont abandon Him.
You have free will. Free to do as you please - but actions have consequences. To be Christian, no matter the denomination, you must:
  1. Deny yourself - living in indulgence of your attraction is not denying yourself.
  2. Take up your cross - your cross is the disorder of same sex attraction. We all have disorders and we all struggle against them Why should you be exempt?
  3. Follow Christ. After we do both of the above.
You may join any community or none at all. Just remember that it is not your inclination that is sinful - we all have sinful inclinations. It is freely acting upon them, rationalizing them, attempting to justify them, where trouble, sin and separation from God occurs.
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