Hi AgnosTheist,
As far as the Gospels themselves, the authorship is confirmed by Irenaeus, is quoted heavily by Clement of Rome, Ignatius of Antioch, and Polycarp, and lack any external discrepancies that would question their authenticity.
The purposed evolution of the Gospel narratives is unlikely, as well, I think. I’ll just mention two reasons. 1) They are plain and lack any embellishments that one would expect to find had these narratives been subject to evolution. 2) The Gospels themselves report that women were the first eyewitnesses of the Resurrection event. Given that women were not considered trustworthy witnesses in Palestine, it is highly unlikely that the Gospel writers would have decided to include this part of the narrative had it not been true. In other words, it’s a sign of authenticity.
Now, the alleged contradictions between the Gospel accounts I believe are not actually contradictions, but merely differences. This is also a sign of authenticity, since it confirms that these were independent attestations of the Resurrection event. However, even granting that these differences are real contradictions, they do not have any effect on the three minimal facts listed above. All four Gospels without question affirm the empty tomb, post mortem appearances, and the origin of the disciples’ belief.

These facts are accepted as authentic by the vast majority of New Testament scholars, including non-Christians. John Dominic Crossan, Gerd Ludemann, E.P. Sanders, and even Bart Ehrman concede at least two of the three facts as being authentic.its only a fact if people can agree with it without bias. so far only christians and polytheists find that agreeable.
The Apostle Paul describes the Resurrection characteristics in 1 Corinthians 15, Romans 8, and Phillippians 3 as being physical in nature. The Jewish notion of resurrection referred specifically to a “what dies is what rises” kind of view, as opposed to a mere spiritual resurrection (which would have been considered an oxymoron by the Jews and the writers of the New Testament).go ahead. please start by what you think are the post mortem characteristics of the resurrected Jesus.
You’ve mentioned a number of issues here. Briefly, you’re saying:there is no way to know with enough certainty what really happened to the diciples. much of the new testament are hear-says. we cant really be sure who wrote the gospels. and we cant really be sure how much of the gospels have evolved since the original writings. the resurrection accounts are even contradictory between the 4 gospels. with all these factors in mind its not logical to fully rely on the stories…
- Authorship of the Gospels is questionable.
- The Gospel narratives may have evolved.
- The Resurrection accounts found in the Gospels are contradictory.
As far as the Gospels themselves, the authorship is confirmed by Irenaeus, is quoted heavily by Clement of Rome, Ignatius of Antioch, and Polycarp, and lack any external discrepancies that would question their authenticity.
The purposed evolution of the Gospel narratives is unlikely, as well, I think. I’ll just mention two reasons. 1) They are plain and lack any embellishments that one would expect to find had these narratives been subject to evolution. 2) The Gospels themselves report that women were the first eyewitnesses of the Resurrection event. Given that women were not considered trustworthy witnesses in Palestine, it is highly unlikely that the Gospel writers would have decided to include this part of the narrative had it not been true. In other words, it’s a sign of authenticity.
Now, the alleged contradictions between the Gospel accounts I believe are not actually contradictions, but merely differences. This is also a sign of authenticity, since it confirms that these were independent attestations of the Resurrection event. However, even granting that these differences are real contradictions, they do not have any effect on the three minimal facts listed above. All four Gospels without question affirm the empty tomb, post mortem appearances, and the origin of the disciples’ belief.