What in Genesis indicates that this is so?I know you are thinking of it in a loving sort of way, that Adam would love and honor a partner that was of his own kind, which is nice and all, but I’m questioning the fact that Genesis tells of creation initially being planned for one human, which of course was a male human.
Genesis 1 suggests otherwise.
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.
God then sees this human is lonely and in complete, so after bringing all the animals, (which of course God knows will not do) he puts adam in a deep sleep and creates a partner to make him complete.
All of the story suggests it’s written by a man for men. Even the “that is why a man leaves his mother and father and is joined to his wife”
There is no description of how Eve had the breath of God breathed into her when she was created, nor any explanation on how she loved and appreciated Adam.
It just seems alittle suspect to me when I really think about it. It may not bother many people, but it seems like half a story to me.