It doesn’t matter to me if Newton was a serial killer who stole all his thoeries from the people he killed. The scientific method is based on validating the theory through experimentation, not whether the discoverer was peevish or not.
The ‘Scientific method’ is for those who forgot or never knew what astronomy and the astronomical method is all about.
The insight of Copernicus of the Earth turning on its axis and simultaneously orbiting the Sun is not a theory nor are experiments required to validate it.It is not a fact,it is an experience that can be affirmed each dawn as the Earth rotates out of its orbital shadow.
Under the Newtonian scheme which recognises that ‘sunrise’ is valid,the insight of Copernicus and subsequently the insights of Kepler and Roemer are diluted or lost completely.
That the fixed stars being at rest, the periodic times of the five
primary planets, and (whether of the sun about the earth, or) of the
earth about the sun, are in the sesquiplicate proportion of their mean distances from the sun.
This proportion, first observed by Kepler, is now received by all
astronomers; for the periodic times are the same, and the dimensions of the orbits are the same, whether the sun revolves about the earth, or the earth about the sun. And as to the measures of the periodic times, all astronomers are agreed about them. But for the dimensions of the orbits, Kepler and Bullialdus, above all others, have determined them from observations with the greatest accuracy; and the mean distances corresponding to the periodic times differ but insensibly from those which they have assigned, and for the most part fall in between them; as we may see from the following table."
I thought that Newtonian terrestial ballistics applied to planetary motion was a good shot for its era given the limited astronomical data at the end of the 17th century but Newton cooked the astronomical books to get his gravitational agenda to fly and his method prohibits incorporating the influence of a great axis of rotation (i.e. the solar system’s galactic orbital motion).
Did you ever stop to consider that you can get Keplerian motion by incorporating the influence of the solar system’s galactic orbital motion on planetary heliocentric motion as the planets move with and against the direction of the solar system’s motion around the Milky Way axis.
Kepler calculated elliptical motion from a line drawn through the center of the planet’s orbital motion about the axis of the Sun, Newton calcultated it as mean Sun/Earth distances and I assure you there is a hugh difference between the two methods.
If you believe that the Sun around the Earth is a valid statement we have little to discuss,astronomically,geometrically and bottom line.