Georgia Republican Senators Kelly Loeffler & David Perdue own 100% pro-life voting records, according to National Right To Life Committee. Democratic

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If Democrats would have control of the Presidency, House, and Senate, most of the following will occur if both Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff win Georgia Senate seats:
  • the elimination of pro-life doctors and other pro-life businesses, as doctors and their assistants will be forced to participate in abortion, and Christian bakers and others are forced to participate in un-Christian-like activity
  • Federal Judges who suppress the right for Christians to live our faith and who invent their own laws from the bench
  • forcing Catholic organizations to hire those who publicly live lives in contradiction of the faith
  • crushing regulations that force rationing of heat/air conditioning and water, reduction in airplanes and farm animals.
  • increased taxes, as the Biden/AOC/Harris “Green New Deal” has been estimated to cost $94 trillion over the next 10 years, which would be more than $37,000 per year per household, including adjustments you’d be forced to make to your house, office buildings, etc.
  • both open borders and free healthcare for illegal immigrants. Clearly, American taxpaying families cannot afford to pay for half the world’s healthcare
  • onerous homeschooling restrictions
  • reduction in charter schools, no school choice for poor kids in bad school districts
  • increased censorship of internet and speech that disagrees with the Democratic Party’s agenda
  • eliminate your Blue Cross, Independent Health, and other private health insurance
  • rationing of healthcare, lower quality, long wait times, shortage of doctors
  • an increase in poverty with unnecessary business regulations and higher taxes
  • eliminate or decreased relevance of 2nd amendment rights
  • reduced value in your social security check
  • the end of the Senate filibuster, so that a mere 51 Democrats can control everything, and the minority party has absolutely no method to prevent leftist extremism
  • modification of voting rules that increase the likelihood of fraud, and Democrats would never lose another major Election
  • reduced freedom for us and our children, as the government tries to take control over every aspect of our lives
And, of course, Democrats would likely add to the NUMBER of Supreme Court Justices and District Court Judges (packing the courts) with leftist Judges who would rule against us in all cases of religious freedom, abortion, and all of the above.
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What is each candidate’s position in relation to Catholic teaching on the possession and use of nuclear weapons, a teaching based on the same theology as the Church’s teaching on abortion?

Like so many prominent black pastors today, Democratic Georgia senatorial candidate, Raphael Warnock has embraced a secular worldview that prioritizes identity politics above biblical truth. In a few short years, Black Lives Matter has done more to influence the attitudes of black Americans than black Christians have in decades and we have leaders like Warnock to thank for it.

Recently, Warnock got into some hot water when rants from some of his past sermons resurfaced to haunt him. He attacked whites, Jews, cops and the military from behind the pulpit. He has also expressed support for “reproductive rights,” also known as abortion.

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One should be reminded that a vote is not a valentine. Policy over personality. You may not be able to vote in these races, but there are ways to contribute. Pray of course, but also chip in a few bucks through National RTL and other organizations.

Hollywood moguls, Big Tech, and a number of multi-millionaires have pumped a mountain of cash into the Georgia run-offs. George Clooney gave $10,000 and Will Smith $4000 to the Dems. Chump change for them!
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Women and girls would be required to share restrooms, locker rooms, dressing rooms and even showers, in schools, university dorms, retail stores and other venues, with biological males.

The Equality Act also could force Catholic adoption ministries to be shut down nationally. Pennsylvania, Illinois and Massachusetts have already effectively closed Catholic adoption agencies in those states by requiring them to place children with same-sex couples, which violates Catholic convictions about marriage and family.

Under the Equity Act, government agencies could take children from their parents if they refuse to provide transitional treatment.

If churches do not at least recognize, if not celebrate, same-sex “marriages,” it is possible that they could be sued or lose their tax-exempt status.

When Title IX, which prohibits sex discrimination in education programs, was enacted, women’s sports at the high school and collegiate levels expanded enormously. Then, in 2016, the Obama administration interpreted the term “sex” under Title IX to include “gender identity,” which allowed any male who claimed to identify as female the right to participate in women’s sports.

Biological males, who have natural physical advantages in size, strength and speed, dominated events when competing against females. Although President Trump revoked the Obama policy, the Equality Act would write gender identity into law. Women’s athletic programs would be essentially destroyed.

Puberty-blocking hormonal treatments for children could be deemed necessary and standard health care. Doctors and nurses would be required to provide gender-transition treatments and sex-change surgeries, even if these procedures violated their medical judgments and religious beliefs. Further, the language in the Equality Act is general enough so that courts could interpret it to mandate taxpayer funding for abortions and to nullify conscience protections for medical providers who object to performing these procedures.

In essence, the act would criminalize Christianity and persecute Christians for their beliefs on sexual morality and gender issues.

The bishops warned that the bill’s “sex-based nondiscrimination terms would end women’s shelters and many single-sex schools. It would close faith-based foster care and adoption agencies that honor children’s rights to a mother and father. The bill would even act as an abortion mandate. We must pursue justice and equality for anyone denied it.”

House Democrats voted 227-0 in favor of the Equality Act, while House Republicans voted 172-9 against it. If Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock win Senate seats, the Democrats will control the Senate, and the Equality Act will become law.
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Mental gymnastics don’t change the fundamental support for abortion. I also don’t get not wanting to be identified with abortion if it is okay.
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It is very edifying to know these two candidates are 100% pro-life rated. I trust they each have and will continue to take all legislative action possible against the death penalty?

Ossoff first came onto the scene in a special election in 2017 with a run for Congress, raising more than 95 percent from out-of-state donors, mainly Californians and New Yorkers.
In October he raised more than 87 percent of his funds from out of state, besting Warnock’s nearly 80 percent. On Monday, both candidates attended their first fundraiser of the run-off — with Silicon Valley elites in a San Francisco restaurant.
<rem Ossoff denies supports green new deal or defund police)

Even without the pro-life-vs-abortion issue, most Republicans are stronger than their Democratic Party opponents in recent years regarding:
  • approving Judges at all levels who support the right for Christians to live our faith, the Constitution, and law and order, instead of Judges who invent their own laws from the bench
  • religious liberty and conscience protection so that doctors and their assistants are not forced to participate in abortion, and so Christian bakers, etc. are not forced to participate in un-Christian activity
  • support for the police and other law enforcement
  • war on poverty: throughout 2019, United States had lower unemployment rate than any time during the previous 49 years
  • an economic system that best help minorities, as opposed to pandering platitudes. According to the Department of Labor Statistics, Hispanics and African-Americans were enjoying their lowest unemployment rate and highest median income in recorded history during the entire year of 2019
  • freedom to choose private health insurance. Democrats want to eliminate your Blue Cross, Independent Health, etc.
  • ability for Catholic organizations to hire only those who support the organization’s mission
  • protecting the Electoral College, so that Middle America still matters in Presidential Elections
  • freedom of speech
  • supporting school choice for kids in poor school districts. Democrats stand in the way.
  • freedom from the unnecessary government control that exists in socialism, communism, and fascism
  • most Governors who declared abortion “essential” and Mass “non-essential” are Democrats
  • freedom against being told what kind of vehicle we can drive, how much heat/air conditioning and water we can use, whether we can ride airplanes or own farm animals
  • peace through strength: increased funding of the military
  • protecting American citizens from drug cartels, sex trafficking, gangs like MS-13, and mysterious diseases from entering through the southern border
  • protecting girls from boys in their bathrooms, showers, and sports
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As far as I know there is no Catholic or other politician in the US or anywhere else proposing that Catholic teaching on abortion be enshrined in law. In all cases they support exceptions such as in the case of a threat to the life of the mother, or rape or incest.

There is therefore no vote able to be cast in favour of the total Catholic position. Catholics can only vote according to a perception of how close to the Catholic position politicians are.

"Pro-life’ politicians also often propose laws that are intended to reduce the number of abortions or raise support for the cause but in doing so obscure Catholic teaching. From the Catholic point of view there is no difference between he abortion of a nine-day-old ‘unborn child’ and the aborth of a nine-month-old fetus. But ‘pro-lifers’ will seek laws seeking to restrict later-term abortions and not simultaneously propose the end of earlier abortions.

And then there is the question of whether laws against abortion lead to more abortions (including those using drugs very early in pregnancy) or to less. The pro-life position that the answer is ‘less’ does not seem to me to be based on solid evidence especially for the United States where different states are likely to always have different laws.

Anyway, this I assume will be my last post on this issue. Thanks to everyone for the enlightening discussions. I am sorry of I have upset anyone. I hope some of my comment have been helpful in understanding more of the ‘pro-choice’ position in relation to legislation.
This is why I’m making the switch. I was never a single party voter. It’s the whole package that has made me leave my Demoratic voting behind. This literally just happened a few weeks ago. The light switched on. Living in NYC right now and the next mayoral candidates is making me cringe.
Well, Jon Ossoff is Jewish. Is he also anti-Semitic and/or anti-Israel? Not based on some of his statements.

On the other hand, David Perdue, apart from some of his shady stock deals, has reportedly attempted to portray Ossoff as “very Jewish” including a stereotypical large nose. Will many Georgians buy into this imagery? Perhaps. But, as for me, I prefer a candidate who is both Jewish and pro-Israel to one who has, at best, a whiff of antisemitism.
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And then there is the question of whether laws against abortion lead to more abortions (including those using drugs very early in pregnancy) or to less. The pro-life position that the answer is ‘less’ does not seem to me to be based on solid evidence especially for the United States where different states are likely to always have different laws.
Mine isn’t that it’s less, but that regardless of whether there are more or less abortions, having the right to life of the unborn recognized by the state is a good thing. Our laws say something about our values as a society, and even if there were 0 abortions, I’d want it made illegal.
There is therefore no vote able to be cast in favour of the total Catholic position. Catholics can only vote according to a perception of how close to the Catholic position politicians are.

"Pro-life’ politicians also often propose laws that are intended to reduce the number of abortions or raise support for the cause but in doing so obscure Catholic teaching. From the Catholic point of view there is no difference between he abortion of a nine-day-old ‘unborn child’ and the aborth of a nine-month-old fetus. But ‘pro-lifers’ will seek laws seeking to restrict later-term abortions and not simultaneously propose the end of earlier abortions.
True, but we’ll take what we can get passed. And recognizing that late term abortion is not acceptable may get people to wonder why early term abortion is.
It’s the whole package that has made me leave my Demoratic voting behind.
I agree. Sometimes, some of us (including me) spend so much time on the life issue that we fail to point out the glaring contrasts on all the other issues (as I listed above in comment #s 21 and 32), too, where Republicans are also far stronger than the Democratic Party politicians.
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