And the theology of St. Pope John Paul II surpasses his.But he is a bishop in good standing right. His theology surpasses ours., in order that all doubt may be removed regarding a matter of great importance, a matter which pertains to the Church’s divine constitution itself, in virtue of my ministry of confirming the brethren (cf. Lk 22:32) I declare that the Church has no authority whatsoever to confer priestly ordination on women and that this judgment is to be definitively held by all the Church’s faithful.
Either unaware or openly defiant of it.So do you think he is unaware of that theology?
And he doesn’t have the authority to disregard an infallible papal definitive statement on a matter of faith or morals required to be “definitively held by all the Church’s faithful”.He is a bishop in good standing in the Church calling for a debate. I don’t have his authority.
Yikes, I probably shouldn’t have gone and looked.And if you thought the article was a problem, you should see the comments.
Haha. No kidding he can’t argue about it, so no wonder he won’t. Surreal attempt to handwave away reality to keep discussing an impossible concept.“I can’t and won’t argue about whether JP2’s statement is infallible. But I will say this. Denying the priesthood to anyone who is worthy, regardless of gender, is unfair to those who long to serve in this capacity. And not only it unfair, it is shortsighted because it deprives the Church and it’s people of the talents and gifts in this role of over half the population“
I don’t know what he thinks. I simply quoted a magisterial teaching that faithful Catholics are to definitively hold on the topic.So do you think he is unaware of that theology?
Collegiality doesn’t mean bishops use some sort of parliamentary process to pass, repeal, or modify the doctrines of our faith or to have varying doctrines from place to place. This is directly contrary to the mission of the college of bishops. Rather, as Vatican II notes, it means they should work together “to promote and to safeguard the unity of faith and the discipline common to the whole Church”. Introducing doubt and novelties contrary to what has been definitively held by the universal Church for the Church’s entire history, and definitively confirmed by the Roman Pontiff (on whom the whole college depends), is directly contrary to collegiality as defined at Vatican II and always understood by the Church in her whole history.I think collegiality has a new place in the Church rightly or wrongly
The magisterium has spoken, and given clarity so that you don’t have to "think"or be unsure.Look,I don’t think women can be ordained. But I’m not a bishop. Neither are you.
If by “expanding that” you mean he is remaking the college into some positivist doctrinal parliament, then that is not in his job description and he has no authority to do so. The college of bishops has its power and authority–and its limits–by divine institution. The Pope is the servant of that, not it’s master.I think our pope is expanding that.