German Bishops on divorce and remarriage

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Sex after divorce and remarriage is not a mortal sin?
German Bishops Conference

So sei eine sexuelle Beziehung nach Scheidung und Wiederheirat hierin nicht weiter pauschal als schwere Sünde qualifiziert und damit auch kein genereller Ausschluss mehr vom Empfang der Eucharistie vorgesehen.

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The English Google translation of the actual quote you are posting is as follows:
Two members of the German language group of the Roman Synod of Bishops of October 2015, Archbishop Koch and Bishop Bode, underlined the importance of a solid discussion supported by humanities and theology and emphasized the developments that are already apparent in Amoris laetitia. Thus, a sexual relationship after divorce and remarriage is not further qualified as a serious sin and thus no general exclusion from the reception of the Eucharist provided.
This seems to be coming from two bishops who participated in a consultation with some lay researchers and a handful of other bishops, and is going to be the subject of some further synod.
I cannot understand how any Catholic, let alone bishops, can say something like this!

It is incredibly disappointing and yet “telling”. The United State’s approach to the problem, is to be extremely liberal without restraint in issuing a decree of nullity.

I am fully convinced this is the influence of the attack on the family by the devil.
Breitbart has written an article on this. Not that I go with them as being an authority on the Catholic church, I only mention this as to who is covering this in the English-language media. I lost the link to that story but I am very wary of how they might have interpreted this. One might search out “German Bishops” in the news. And indeed, .

Edit on, translate from document in post #1:
Two members of the German language group of the Roman Synod of Bishops of October 2015, Archbishop Koch and Bishop Bode, underlined the importance of a solid discussion based on humanities and theology and highlighted the already in Amoris laetitia developments. Thus, a sexual relationship after divorce and remarriage is no longer universally qualified as a serious sin and thus no longer provides for a general exclusion from the reception of the Eucharist.
“Serious Sin” <----- previously, excluded from receiving of the Eucharist repeating. Well, I would disagree with this but did they actually vote on this? I can’t tell all of what is fact here.

So, the above states, you divorce, you get RE-married and you have a sexual relationship in that new marriage. This does not disqualify one from receiving communion. That might not sound so bad if that is what they said. ???
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So, the above states, you divorce, you get married and you have a sexual relationship in that new marriage. This does not disqualify one from receiving communion. That might not sound so bad if that is what they said.
That’s how I read it. And it’s kind of what Amoris Laetitia said - that the circumstances of individual people involved in a divorce and remarriage need to be considered, which makes sense to me as there are some pretty bad, extreme situations of spousal abuse and abandonment out there.
That’s how I read it. And it’s kind of what Amoris Laetitia said - that the circumstances of individual people involved in a divorce and remarriage need to be considered, which makes sense to me as there are some pretty bad, extreme situations of spousal abuse and abandonment out there.
This also brings up the issue of annulled marriages with me.

In the end, though, these would seem to be opinions issued and not some new guidelines we or even those in Germany accept as new doctrine. We still have established teaching from the Magisterium(?).
It sounds like there are a couple of bishops proposing these topics for further discussion at a future Synod.

Yes, they seem to have a liberal take on it, but I’m not seeing this being laid down as new doctrine for Germany or anywhere else.
So, the above states, you divorce, you get married and you have a sexual relationship in that new marriage. This does not disqualify one from receiving communion. That might not sound so bad if that is what they said.
That’s how I read it. And it’s kind of what Amoris Laetitia said - that the circumstances of individual people involved in a divorce and remarriage need to be considered, which makes sense to me as there are some pretty bad, extreme situations of spousal abuse and abandonment out there.
It’s very bad.

A poor Sacramental marriage which results in civil divorce, does not justify remarriage.

And receiving Eucharist while objectively committing adultery is harmful to everyone.

And you wont see this as an issue in the U.S. because Annulments are nearly automatically issued to those who want one. I am fully convinced of this.
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Right. This is even a liberal Cardinal saying this.

My faith and knowledge align with the 5 Cardinals who opposed things promoted in the synod. Especially Burke and Müller.

But it’s true that tribunals, in the US apply nullity in a very broad fashion.

Then, add to all this, the fact that alot of divorced and remarried Catholics simply receive Communion even when they havent sought an annulment. They dont even care. I have spoke with someone like this.

It all breaks down any ability to trust any Teaching of the Church. Because there are ALWAYS exceptions and ways around things. Nothing is certain. And so the domino effect is real. It is the collapse of the Catholic principles, because the exceptions swallow the principles.

Pastors no longer know how to guide couples with problems. If they attempt to make a stance on the indissolubility of a marriage, its contradicted by a tribunal team. So pastors are actually telling the faithful that they are unqualified to even have a position on validity of a Sacrament.

I say, if a pastor cannot see invalidity in a marriage, who can? Just because canon lawyers are well versed in the plethora of impediments, it does not mean they interpret or apply them faithfully.
I am wary of anything that comes out of the German bishops conference, unless it is from Bishop Muller.
I am convinced, beyond a shadow of doubt, that the Church is in a major crisis. From top to bottom.

We will either be blessed with a Pope who God will inspire to reform clergy in heart, or this decline of unity and agenda to relax the law under the pretense of grace is the movement towards the end times.

From the article;
Calls for “reform” range from the blessing of homosexual unions to the priestly ordination of women, and, in at least one local group’s case, for the approval of abortion when “a woman or couple decided to go through with it.”
All of those are abominable. But approval of abortion??? Have they lost their minds over there? Someone needs to start taking water samples in Germany. Because there seems to be a major malfunction going on in that synod, that’s for dang sure!
What kind of “development” are you suggesting?
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If this article is accurately relating what these Bishops are believing and attempting to promote, they are truly messed up guys.

And they are using Amoris Laetitia as support for most of this stuff!
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I don’t see any move to develop the Catholic teaching on artificial contraception.
Huh? From the same article;
According to a press release issued by the bishops, there was also discussion on whether the prohibition of homosexual acts by the Church’s magisterium was “still up-to-date” – and whether artificial contraception should still be condemend by the Chuch for “both married and unmarried” couples.
Now why do I have the feeling that these bishops will conclude that artificial contraception should not still be condemned by the Church for “both married and unmarried” couples? Someone (guess who?) should reel these men in!
If this article is accurately relating what these Bishops are believing and attempting to promote, they are truly messed up guys.

And they are using Amoris Laetitia as support for most of this stuff!
Most of the critics of Amoris Laetitia predicted this years ago when it was published. It was clear from the beginning that the ambiguities in AL were going to be used in order to push for more radical changes to Church doctrine, and this is a perfect example, and probably only just the beginning.

The main problem with AL wasn’t necessarily that it was trying to find ways to open up the Eucharist to divorced and remarried Catholics (Pope John Paul II already did this in one way when he left the door open for these couples to receive communion if they lived as brother and sister), the problem was its methods and how it went about justifying them. AL essentially tries to make excuses for why these couples should be allowed to continue in their sin, and ultimately violates the Catholic teaching that you cannot do evil in order to achieve a good result. It says culpability is reduced because a couple has been married for 20 years, or has three kids, so they can’t be expected to fully conform to Church teaching. It’s okay for them to continue committing sin and receiving communion in their situation; it would be too hard for them to change. And it’s not a mortal sin anyway, that would cause harm to their children, etc.

What is to stop the German bishops from applying this line of thinking to other moral topics besides divorce and remarriage? Why not gay marriage? What if a gay couple has adopted a couple of kids? We can’t expect them to break up, or refrain from fornicating. That would harm the children! The same goes for other sins, such as contraception. Well, my husband won’t have sex with me without birth control, and if I don’t have sex with him he’ll leave me, and then the kids would be fatherless. So using birth control is OK to avoid harm to the kids and breaking up a valid marriage. There’s no end to the loopholes you can find that justify these actions. AL opened a can of worms, and this is the kind of fruit it will bear. People were warned about this, repeatedly, when critics pointed out the ambiguities and contradictions with previous Church teaching in AL. Now we’re seeing it being used to justify tolerating other sins as well. This is no surprise to anyone that has been paying attention.
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