Auto translation.
COLOGNE, September 17, 2020 / 8:30 AM ( CNA German ).
For the Archbishop of Cologne, Rainer Maria Cardinal Woelki, the worst result of the Synodal Way would be if it “leads into the division and thus out of the Church, out of communion with the Church as a whole”.
This would create “something like a German national church,” said Woelki in an interview with the KNA news agency. For him, the best result would be “if we succeeded in initiating a real reform, which is definitely necessary in the church.” The cardinal commented on the recent regional conferences of the Synodal Way in which he had also participated.
At the regional conferences it has generally proven to be valuable to speak in a smaller group: "That had a positive effect on the discussion climate and it was possible to better listen to each other and better appreciate each other’s arguments. That was a welcome difference to first synodal assembly ", said Woelki.
In terms of content, however, there are points for him that he cannot go along with. For example, the question of the ordination of women to Catholic clergy is a discussion for him personally that will not lead to one goal: "Because this question was definitely decided with the highest teaching authority by Pope John Paul II Benedict XVI and also Pope Francis have repeatedly emphasized this and also said that the question has been decided by the magisterium. I do not understand the aim of this discussion. "
One must see that God is always greater than human desires and ideas. Sometimes the revelation is not entirely clear at first sight. "For me, faith means to trust that God is just - even if I don’t understand it directly in individual questions. So I think we have to accept that the church is bound by the will of Jesus on this issue, who reveals himself in scripture and tradition. In his circle of twelve he called exclusively those whom he wanted to call, freely and independently. And these were these twelve apostles, and there were no women among them. "
Woelki shares the fundamental concern of “Maria 2.0” to stand up for the dignity of women and against clerical abuse of power such as sexual abuse by priests. The solution for both is not in the women’s priesthood. With a view to the upcoming action week, during which there will also be a “meal” in front of Cologne Cathedral on Sunday, Woelki says that it is always good "when people gather to eat and drink together in a friendly atmosphere . " Such a meal should not give the impression that the Eucharist is taking place here. The celebration of the Eucharist by the priest, who acts in the place of Christ on the basis of the sacrament of Holy Orders, makes it clear that "the Eucharist is a gift from God to us, that we cannot give to ourselves. In this respect, such productions, which tend to cause confusion, worry me. "