Get Ready — Signs Point to a New Attack on the Eucharist Coming Soon

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I’m waiting for them to debate the divinity of Jesus at one of these upcoming synods. Maybe they’ll just let individual bishops decide that for themselves too.
I’m waiting for them to debate the divinity of Jesus at one of these upcoming synods. Maybe they’ll just let individual bishops decide that for themselves too.
Been there, done that. Look up Arianism in the 4th century.
True. It just feels nothing is off limits nowadays and despite how people are promoting all of this “open dialogue” as a good thing for the Church that things are actually taking a step backwards rather than being an improvement as is claimed. This topic shouldn’t even be on the agenda let alone being in question by some clergy. Debating settled questions like things could possibly change just spreads confusion does no one any good in the day of the Internet and information overload.
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Tradition is too hard for these people. Catholicism isn’t fun. One can be joyful, but without the embrace of our crosses and the precepts the practice of Catholicism requires, it is not the joy of Catholicism.

These churchmen take hold of the ambiguity and run with it. They are not affirming the Faith. They’re looking for loopholes and embracing novelty. They may not have ill intent but they are misguided.

And in their ranks there are those who certainly are of ill intent who want to destroy the Church. They can’t destroy the Church. Christ promised us that. But they can sure destroy the Catholic religion itself in the minds of mainstream Catholics.


The great enabler.
Yet not only is collegiality taught by an ecumenical council of the Church, it has been lived throughout her history. In the early Church and well into the Middle Ages, local synods were vital to Church life and there was much regional variation in discipline / praxis. The ultra centralization of Church governance in Rome is the novelty… not collegiality.
And yes I am aware of and accept the doctrine of papal primacy as defined at Vatican I.
That’s good to hear. My guess is this proposal will come up again in the future. These sorts of informal “announcements” are usually trial balloons that people put up to gauge how an idea will be received, and then it is quickly rescinded to avoid outright claims of heresy. Meanwhile those who are in favor of the idea plot their next move on how to re-introduce the idea and win more support the next time around.
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I remember Fr Raymond Brown and his declaration that Jesus conception came about through a sexual act between Mary and Joseph.
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