Also, it seems that everytime that I mention that we only want 2 or 3 children I seem to get what amounts to a scornful remark.
That is because as a married couple you will be called to *continually *discern if you have a just reason to avoid a pregnancy
at that time.
It is not a “once and done” decision. You are framing your statement as a decision made.
A true discernment process is a day-by-day, month-by-month, year-by-year process. “Are we called to have another child?” should always be a question you are asking yourself as a couple when you have 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, … Not a year before you are married.
I want to be able to provide for my family to the point of not having to worry about money issues stemming from working paycheck to paycheck
You will always worry about money. Whether you make 10K or 100K. I promise.
I also want to be able to give my children a quality education (I must say that the public education system here in Texas is severly lacking).
Again, discern some more on that. There are many options, homeschooling, private, and public. That doesn’t mean you can only have a few children. (I also disagree regarding the quality of the schools in TX. They are no better or worse than any others… I am a product of the public education system of TX and I am also a former teacher in a public school in TX).
As for college, don’t think you have to-- or even that you should-- give a free ride. Your kids can get scholarships, grants, loans, work, etc. Giving them everything is not always the bets way to help your children grow into good citizens.
but I want my children to grow up not worrying about their father not making enough money to support them.
Guess what? Kids don’t think about that stuff. Kids think about why dad wasn’t at their band concert (because dad was too busy at work).
Now he makes close to a $1M a year.
This is irrelevant. That type of lifestyle is something you can chase and chase, but it can’t really make you happy. And, how much money is “enough” anyway?
I just want to make sure I have to income to support them comfortably. Again thanks for the replys.
If by “comfortable” you mean over $1M a year, then seriously, you have some issues.