Getting married in a year

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I’m glad you’ve gotten a lot of good answers here, Xander. I want to second a lot that was said, and add that I really admire you and your fiancee for being so open and seeking the truth about these matters instead of settling for something less. Bravo! You two will be in my prayers.
I have another question stemming from our discussion yesterday. What is the husbands role in NFP? We were just wondering because we want to make it as easy as we can for both of us and just want to know what my role in that will be.
Many couples assign the husband the job of handing the wife the thermometer every morning, if practical and applicable. From what I hear, in a healthy NFP relationship, the wife shares what she knows of her physical signs of fertility and the couple decides together whether today will be a day to abstain.
We are both looking forward to learning NFP and just want to make sure we do it right. We both are very good at talking to each other and its kind of exciting that we have one more thing to share together. We are currently looking at learning the billings method, any suggestions on this or any others we should learn instead?
We are both looking forward to learning NFP and just want to make sure we do it right. We both are very good at talking to each other and its kind of exciting that we have one more thing to share together. We are currently looking at learning the billings method, any suggestions on this or any others we should learn instead?
I am currently learning the Billing’s method after previously using the sympto-thermal method. Ultimately, it will be up to your fiance as to what method suits her best. Investigate them all and see what appeals to her.

** I know that, for myself, I like to “see” data. I like the charting of the sympto-thermal metod and I love to see my temeprature graph. When abstaining for important reasons it is so reassuring to know that the thermal shift has happened and that’s it’s “safe” to be intimate.**

But tell your fiance to be careful if she decides on the sympto-thermal method not to get too dependent on one sign. I found the temperature to be the easiest to interpret so didn’t get as proficient at reading my cervical fluid as I should have.

That is why I am now learning Billing’s (cervical fluid only). I am 8 months post partum and breastfeeding with no return of my cycles so temperature doesn’t mean anything for now. I am not confident enough in knowing what my cervical fluid means so we have to learn all over again.

…We both come from wealthy familys and both of us would like our children to have the same kind of life that we had. Also we don’t believe that sexuality is something to be seen as bad or just for having children, we beleive that it is healthy for a husband and a wife to have sex. But we want children, we have been talking about kids quite freqently over the past few weeks, if we feel that God wants us to have kids sooner we will but we want to wait. Sexuality is really the only thing we disagree with the Church on.
There is a perfect book that would really help you and your fiancé understand the Church’s teaching on sexuality. You might be surprised. The title is Good News about Sex & Marriage: Answers to your honest questions about Catholic Teaching by Christopher West. Hope this helps…it did my wife and I. Our one year anniversary is coming up in two months.

Josh from Ohio
I know this might sound strange but we are looking forward to learning NFP, it actually fits with my nature of likeing to plan and chart things. We are looking forward to having kids, we just really want to wait till I finsih my degree before we have kids. But we are open to His plan for us. Thanks for all the help, we really appreciate all the help and will keep posting questions.
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