Getting more frustrated each day

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I’m sorry about your situation…

It reminds me of my own childhood. Both my parents are from the west coast… generations there… siblings there, parents there, etc, etc…
My mom just had her third child… my dad had a decent job with the phone company (job was a blessing considering his degree was in theology)… and his job was suddenly relocated to New Jersey.

We moved. Across the country. All alone. That was a rough time. We didn’t like where we were. 2 1/2 years later (and a 4th child born), we relocated again down to FL and found all that we had been missing. Family eventually followed us down here and we found peace and were at “home” again…

Don’t fear a move… it can lead you to a better place in life. It may not be an immediate change for the better… but it may be a step on the road of where God is leading you…

Good luck…
It sounds like you need to set some parameters. You are frustrated because you do not know how long you have to be separated. Days, months, years. Days and months may be bearable, but nix the years. Set down some prayer deadlines. Lets say that by Sept if the house is not sold, you will work two jobs at a lower pay in the area you are from just to be near your family. If your house does not sell that could be an answer. Just don’t loose these years to a job. You owe it to your family to be there. My children are all grown adults now, and I truly wished I would have been able to spend more time with them when they were young. Last but not least a father is not just a breadwinner. But if you allow it to be synonomous, it just might come to that. God Bless and my prayers are with you and your family.
Just a quick update on recent developments.

I guess we have not solidified our decision to stay in MO and not relocate to CO. We took our house off the market yesterday. I guess that time will tell if this is the right decision, but we truly feel that we are called to be where we are especially in the community and our parish. Hopefully we will not be apart much longer.
Wow, I am a good typer!!! :doh2: :hypno: I need to get more :coffeeread: hold on…okay…now let me rephrase the first sentence to say:

“I guess we HAVE solidified our decision to stay in MO and not relocate to CO”

Too many “not’s” and no they are (k)not just in my head :rotfl:
Wow, I am a good typer!!! :doh2: :hypno: I need to get more :coffeeread: hold on…okay…now let me rephrase the first sentence to say:

“I guess we HAVE solidified our decision to stay in MO and not relocate to CO”

Too many “not’s” and no they are (k)not just in my head :rotfl:
That makes more sense! LOL!

Best of luck to you finding the right job in MO!!!
Prayers are with you!
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