Ghost Hunting / Paranormal Investigation Query

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Hi everyone,

I wanted to ask some advice but before I get into that topic I want to give you all a brief background with regard to a friend and myself. So please read on carefully and to detail.

Both myself and my friend are Catholic. However we both have different views and opinions on how we see ourselves as to what degree of depth in faith we each have.

I was raised by my parents to attend mass every Sunday weekly and grew up with that and religious education at school teaching me everything they could about God, Jesus etc. Eventually when I was in my mid teens I stopped goin to mass (not instantly mind you, I just sort of gradually stopped attending a mass here and there and before I realised, I hadn’t went to mass in years, however I still tried to keep God with me. I am now 35 and have gone back to attending mass again ever since my daughter was born last year and have been continuing to do so now ever since for over a year.

My friend who is 33 yrs old, grew up much the same way I did with his Mother attending mass and much the same way taught also (He was an alter boy when he was younger). Similar to myself he lost interest in attending mass when he was in his teens also but the difference is that he still after all these years hasn’t went back to mass properly (He comes with me usually for every Easter and Christmas mass) however he does try to keep somewhat a sense of his Catholic upbringing at heart and he does say to me on ocaision that he needs to start going back (even tho he has told me he found sitting at mass boring) especially now that he has children of his own.

So that’s as I said a brief background into both of our religious backgrounds, now onto the summary of the topic.

My friend and I like any other average person, enjoy watching a range of various programmes on TV together that we both have an interest in, including Ghost programmes such as Ghost Hunters, Ghost Adventurer’s and the like and even watching Youtube videos of things “claimed” to be caught on camera (although in this day and age everything can be faked).

We therefore have over time, been looking towards setting up a “social paranormal investigation group” with other friends of ours who wish to be a part of it.

So, here’s the question,

Unlike some other paranormal investigation groups out there, who try to communicate with spirits by calling out to them or do stupid stuff like seances and all that wicca guff, (our religion has taught us that much to avoid all that), we want to set up a paranormal investigation group instead where we strictly only use camcorders and sound recording devices (to capture noises, potential voices) to gather evidence “should it present itself”. We strictly do not wish to call out to or speak to spirits and try to make contact with them as we know that is against God’s wishes and also because we don’t believe in doing that because of it.

Would it therefore be ok to do paranormal investigations where we are running the group on purely “if we see something and it got caught on camera or recording device” of it’s own accord?

Thanks for taking the time to read and any good answer would be greatly appreciated.
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We strictly do not wish to call out to or speak to spirits and try to make contact with them as we know that is against God’s wishes
Maybe you could explain your desire to record “whatever shows up.” What would be the purpose?
If you know it is against God’s wishes that you make contact, do you not think that waiting and hoping for something to show up to record is really the same thing? You may not be the one initiating contact, but you would be willing to receive contact.
Well this is why I ask.

We could just simply use Camcorders if that was the case but we thought the use of a sound recorder would have helped incase it picked up a sound where the camcorder failed to catch an image.

The reason for us is simply trying to verify that what we encountered when we were younger like shadow people and noises (for e.g. I remember on one than more occasion I heard someone shouting my name from downstairs and when I replied "Yes? or “What?” I remembered that I was in the house on my own, weird I know.) were true and not a figment of our imaginations. Plus in response to using the recorder, anything we may pick up doesn’t need to be followed up with.
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I speak from experience, big time experience! You are younger and you do not know just how dangerous it is for what you want to do. My wife’s curiosity into paranormal activity in our house led to a full on demonic attack. If you think you can somehow dictate how the demonic will behave once you start messing with them then you are very naive about it. It’s not worth it, find another hobby.
Hi DeSales111

We don’t really wish to get involved down that route.

If anything, we don’t wish to be near those sorts of dangerous things (I don’t even like saying what “they” are).

We just wanted to mildly investigate places not focusing centrally on ghosts alone but exploring the place itself and if something came up on our camcorders/recorders then fair enough.

However can you tell me your story in detail if you have the time, I would be interested in hearing more about that if you wish to elaborate further.

Thank you.
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If anything, we don’t wish to be near those sorts of dangerous things
You can’t claim you don’t want to be near those things, yet you are putting time, energy and money into detecting those things. The only activity that would mesh with not wanting to be near those things would be to avoid them and bless a place to keep them out.

Investigating them is seeking them out, plain and simple. If you are Catholic and believe in evil spirits, then you can understand that if you open the door to them, they are likely to sail through. And then what? Do you think that if they respond and let you know they are there you will just be able to take your equipment, go home, not try to hear or see the evidence you collect?

This kind of behavior is prohibited by the teachings of the Church. It’s pretty cut and dried.
Would it therefore be ok to do paranormal investigations where we are running the group on purely “if we see something and it got caught on camera or recording device” of it’s own accord?
it is not possible to record supernatural events on natural recording devices. The supernatural can’t be measured by natural means. That’s why it is ‘supernatural’.

Our imaginations play all kinds of tricks on us.
I understand your curiosity and desire to scientifically capture something, however, I think this is opening the door to the occult. It does seem like a technicality that you won’t call out to the"ghost" but you are there ready to record.
Not to be too harsh, but do you think this is how Our Lord would want you to spend your time? I think watching a show like this occasionally is okay, but trying to record / detect is not a good use of your time (especially if you are a dad), and potentially spiritually dangerous.
Also I think this would be a poor example to your friend who is on the edge of coming back to the faith.
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Hi Jen95.

Ok, see I thought that opening the door to the occult was only at play when one was going beyond natural means. If one got involved with such things (dare I even say it) that was conducted or used to directly force something to come forward just to get evidence then I would have (in my thought) found this to be opening the door to such practices.

What I’m trying to ask is, is there any difference between say someone taking a camcorder and recorder, going somewhere and exploring the place itself and later reviewing footage to then discover that something just happened to be recorded during that exploration to that of a group doing the exact same thing?
So, is it just the number of people involved that you think might make a difference? You alone vs your social investigating group? I don’t see a lot of difference, but it sounds like you want to! 😃 Don’t do anything too crazy! Ask your guardian angel for protection! 😇
Whether this is a serious sin or not is not my call. However, I will tell you that messing with the paranormal in any way is a dangerous endeavor. You have no idea what you might attract to yourself doing these activities. On a practical level, I would say just leave it alone—you don’t know what you might be messing with.
Sorry Jen, let me try to explain.

I should have said “we are more a group of Explorists with everyday recording equipment much like an adventurer, passing through and exploring an area like any typical area at all, regardless of whether it supposedly is haunted or not and recording as we go along”.

It’s not really any different if someone was there recording where they went on holiday and was on the beach relaxing and was recording the scenery and “oh look, theres something I just happened to catch on camera which is unusual”

That’s what I’m trying to ask. Sorry It was hard for me to try and put into words what I was thinking lol.
It makes more sense to read classic Catholic spiritual books about prayer, and improve one’s prayer life. That is a worthwhile spiritual journey that will take you closer to the Lord.
If you think you can somehow dictate how the demonic will behave once you start messing with them then you are very naive about it. It’s not worth it, find another hobby.
100% this

Looking for spirits is no different than looking for signs. It will lead to nothing but suffering. Best case scenario, you and your friends end up wasting your time and money chasing the wind. Worst case scenario, some one dabbles too much and gets possessed. If you really insist on persuing this, talk to your diocesan excorcist and talk to him about the spirits. I’m sure even he will tell you it is not a good idea. Maybe, just maybe, the excorcist might ask you to come with him during an excorcism to show you what you are looking for, but I wouldn’t count on it.
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I think this topic is getting a bit too deep into what I’m trying to ask. So I’ll try and simplify my earlier question so that you can all understand where I’m coming from, please forgive me if I’m not making myself clear.

What separates and differentiates a:

Group of everyday adventurers / Explorists with recording equipment documenting their exploration experience of their “surroundings” inside or outside a chosen area or place regardless if it is haunted or not and reviewing the footage afterwards of their daily trek.

To a:

Group of Ghost Hunters with recording equipment documenting their investigation experience of their surroundings inside or outside in a chosen area or place which is claimed to be haunted which might or might not be?

Tell me what separates the two and we’ll go from there.
There is no difference. If you are going to investigate then you are dabling into the demonic, it doesn’t matter how many of you there is there, nor do demons care about your so called innocent intentions. Your words seem to lead me to believe you are going with the intentions of seeking. I’m sure you think it’s all cool and innocent fun, perhaps too much TV and not enough listening to those of us who have had authentic near death experiences from a demonic attack. All I’m trying to do is give you fair warning. Maybe I’m wrong but I get the feeling y’all are wanting to find something, other wise why bother or even bring it up.

My wife reviewing pictures of an old house and finding images in the windows as things escalated at our house was a catalyst and only added fuel to the fire. The road to hell was paved with curiosity. I tried to warn her but to no avail. You will hear those on here blaming things on over active imaginations, that’s only because they have not experienced the true abilities of an angel or a fallen angel, a demon. They can make noises, they can move things and they can manipulate the natural. I know because we have heard and seen it, and any well experienced exorcist will tell you the same.

Maybe I’m extra cautious, I think anyone who went through what we did would be the same. Can’t help but worry about others who seem to take the spiritual world lightly. When I hear folks talk about ghosts and hauntings alarm bells go of in my head.

I would be more than glad to tell you what happened but the last thing I ever want is for someone to think it was a cool experience, it wasn’t!
Yes it is possible, I have the recordings to back it up of when there was whistling and my wife’s name being called along with other voices in unknown languages. There are only three people who used that name to call my wife, that would be me and her parents. They lived across town and I was by my wife’s side. This was not a one time thing, it happened daily up until the attack.

Even the good angels scared those they spoke to, that’s why nearly all angelic greetings begin with “Fear not.” Only God knows their limitations and abilities.
Would it therefore be ok to do paranormal investigations where we are running the group on purely “if we see something and it got caught on camera or recording device” of it’s own accord?
This not ok as a Catholic. We are not to engage in the occult or divination or fortune telling.

We believe there are no ghosts, the soul goes straight to the place of its first judgement. Any ‘ghosts’ are demons.
What differentiates the two is intent. The first one doesn’t have the intent of trying to capture footage of the preternatural while the second one does.
Just remember that curiosity can be a vice. It can lead you down rabbit holes that are better left unexplored. I’ve been there and done that. Trust me. It isn’t worth it.
Group of everyday adventurers / Explorists with recording equipment documenting their exploration experience of their “surroundings” inside or outside a chosen area or place regardless if it is haunted or not and reviewing the footage afterwards of their daily trek.

To a:

Group of Ghost Hunters with recording equipment documenting their investigation experience of their surroundings inside or outside in a chosen area or place which is claimed to be haunted which might or might not be?

Tell me what separates the two and we’ll go from there.
Nothing, you are hunting for evidence. The level or intensity of that hunt does not change its intention in any way.
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