Ghost Hunting / Paranormal Investigation Query

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No, would be a complete waste of time. Only my wife and I and immediate family have heard the recordings, and that was before the major attack. I doubt I could ever bear to hear them again after what happened, and I’m quite sure my wife would have a major panic attack if she heard them again. There is no curiosity or anything to prove here, we know what it was and we know what happened.
I assure you that I would not want to make any direct contact be it now or later down the line for that matter, that was mentioned in my first post. We’ve absolutely no interest to get too deep into it like that for obvious reasons.

When It comes down to it, our idea was to differentiate ourselves from what these other groups were doing which was to be keeping ourselves to a strict guideline because we don’t believe that what these other groups are doing is right or safe by doing what they are doing e.g. calling out to, trying to get a reaction from, using practices to make contact etc. which is why we wanted to take an exploration only approach of an area itself by just simply looking around the place and documenting our exploration.
I still don’t understand the point of what you want to do, or how you think what you want to do is so different…
He doesn’t get it. He doesn’t understand that what he is doing is showing interest in Satan by peeking into the realm of evil. He doesn’t understand that there is no safe distance to what he calls “explore”, there are no safe walls, the evil doesn’t care.
To the OP, you seem like a nice and sincere person, but since you asked, all the time and attention you would spend on this exploring, would be better spent with your little child on family outings, maybe visit extended family, volunteer for a worthy cause, or just enjoy an outdoor or sports hobby.
Just my 2 cents!
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I assure you that I would not want to make any direct contact be it now or later down the line for that matter, that was mentioned in my first post. We’ve absolutely no interest to get too deep into it like that for obvious reasons.

When It comes down to it, our idea was to differentiate ourselves from what these other groups were doing which was to be keeping ourselves to a strict guideline because we don’t believe that what these other groups are doing is right or safe by doing what they are doing e.g. calling out to, trying to get a reaction from, using practices to make contact etc. which is why we wanted to take an exploration only approach of an area itself by just simply looking around the place and documenting our exploration.
We should not try to justify doing things against the teachings of the Church by ‘only lightly’ or ‘just a little with strict guidelines’

This fascination can and does open the door to the demonic. Why do you wish to prove the demonic?
Read a few books of the Priests who work as exorcists.
We had one visit recently, with a Cardinal. He promotes Divine Mercy. He says even New Age opens doors to bad things.

We cannot dialogue with evil, or explore evil. As Pope Francis says ’ do not dialogue with the devil’

You have a young family to protect and rear in Catholic Tradition.
Well, after a brief chat with my friend, we’ve decided to forget about this whole thing.

We originally thought we were trying to take a much milder and therefore safer option to document ghost activity by simply using recording devices only to capture potential evidence (not conjure up for evidence) and therefore by doing it this way, not putting ourselves into any serious danger.

We have both been carefully reading all your replies to my first post and with the advice each of you gave us and myself watching a few videos about what our religious leaders such as Venerable Fulton J Sheen had to say and because of our perspective into our faith to where the dead go in the afterlife, we felt that may be it wasn’t worth while the bother of putting ourselves into situations if it may end up causing us problems.

I have therefore said a prayer just a few minutes ago:

“In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, by the power of his cross, his blood and his resurrection, I take authority over all curses, hexes, spells, voodoo practices, witchcraft assignments, satanic rituals, incantations and evil wishes that have been sent my way, or have passed down the generational bloodline. I break their influence over my life by the power of the risen Lord Jesus Christ, and I command these curses to go back to where they came from and be replaced with a blessing. I ask forgiveness for and denounce all negative inner vows and agreements that I have made with the enemy, and I ask that you Lord Jesus Christ release me from any bondage they may have held in me. I claim your shed blood over all aspects of my life, relationships, ministry endeavors and finances. I thank you for your enduring love, your angelic protection, and for the fullness of your abundant blessings.”

I know that I’m new to this forum and that you all don’t really know me well enough, however I ask you all to pray for me, my family and my friends and to ask Jesus to keep us true to ourselves from here fourth.

Thanks again,
Unlike some other paranormal investigation groups out there, who try to communicate with spirits by calling out to them or do stupid stuff like seances and all that wicca guff, (our religion has taught us that much to avoid all that),
Can Catholics watch Ghost Adventures without it being a sin?
As far as I am aware, it’s no different from watching the typical horror movie.

Usually the Pope would be very concerned and give warning towards any horror films being released that he felt was not advisable to watch. There have been a few but most of the time if it’s films such as Halloween, IT, or Nightmare on Elm Street he doesn’t raise too much concern about them.

I’ve spoke with our local Priest and he said that while he doesn’t personally believe in the things that the people capture on their devices (He reckons to some degree it’s nearly all put on for viewing entertainment) in the Ghost Hunting programme’s on TV such as Ghost Adventures, Ghost Hunters etc (because he’s never seen anything in his life to make him think otherwise) he said you wouldn’t offend God for just simply watching it but again he still mentions why would you even bother to watch it, if you understand.

Basically it’s not a sin to watch it but it is pointless to watch it.
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Thats sorta why I stopped watching it. I used to a lot, but after learning more about the teachings on the afterlife, I started to think “yeah, this is kinda pointless now”.
😆 Can’t tell you how much my Mom was relieved when I stop taking those show seriously, because she’s been trying to convince me they were fake and pointless.
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Welcome to CAF. 🙋 First speak to a priest before you do anything.
Second stay away from all forms of curiosity of the paranormal
Third don’t get involved in any of it.
If you want the lukewarm path to Catholicism and a wide road to playing games with your soul…you won’t listen to any advice against pursuing your interest.
My wife’s curiosity into paranormal activity in our house led to a full on demonic attack.
Paranormal experts warn never to investigate in your own home or place of work; not to start something that you can’t leave behind. So, my coworker and I will not be investigating our workplace.
Dear Wildy84,
I understand your curiosity about these things, but what you and your friend regard as harmless exploration is, to the Adversary and his horde, an open door inviting them to deceive you, trick you and lead you away from Christ, the Light of the World.
Not for nothing is the Enemy known as the Father of Lies.
Please, please just leave this whole thing alone before you, your loved ones and your friend are polluted by this insidious evil.

Holy Michael, defend us in the day of battle!
It wasn’t just our home that peeked her curiosity, but pictures from an old towns historical walking tour. “Paranormal experts” DO NOT understand demons, if they did they would find another hobby. There are no physical walls that can detain a demon, just as our guardian angels can follow us, so too can fallen angels (demons), for they are angels as well, created with the same attributes.

I don’t know how to make it any clearer about how dangerous it is to go messing with what should be left alone. It’s foolish and it’s ignorant to ignore the advice of someone who has had a real life experience as I have. But hey, if people would not listen to or believe Jesus, they certainly will not believe me. That dude in Scripture that had a legion of demons possess him, that’s not fairy tale or made up! What happens to his life if Jesus did not show up and personally cast those demons into the swine? We don’t know how or why he was possessed, and possessed by many demons, perhaps he was sticking his nose where it didn’t belong. And who knows, maybe it was just someone else he knew that invited the demons by accident because they wanted to “investigate.” Why endanger yourself, your family or your friends by doing such a thing? What if the demon posseses and causes evil thoughts such as murder???!!! Think that doesn’t happen? Investigate that.

There is a reason our mothers told us not to touch the stove as children. What else can I say? Don’t believe me, then believe Jesus, possessions are real and they are hell, literally! And if it happens, you can’t just walk away from it.
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I apologize if I gave the impression I was that interested. I’m not.
I’ apologize for misunderstanding. That’s good news you aren’t. At least any others who are considering it will get the point, at least I hope they will.
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