Girl Scouts O.K.?

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My Husband believes that the Girl Scouts were founded by and are run by Masons. Does anyone know if this is so? As a result, he will not allow our girls to take part or even let us buy girl scout cookies. My 6 year old really wants to be a brownie. So far, I have agreed with my husband on this issue, but I really want to know for sure. At a ministry convocation I attended, there was a table with Girl Scout information and brochures with Catholic badges, etc. the girls can earn. Is this just a ruse? If anyone could help clear up this issue, I would be very grateful.
I heard that in several areas they have relationships with planned parenthood. There is a website you can go to check if your local area does but I don’t remember the URL. I seem to remember that most of the troops refused to comment.
I have heard a number of bad things about the girl scouts, particularly about their support of immoral lifestyles. Some Girl Scout groups are much better than others.

There are a number of pro-Christian organizations for girls that I would recommend you check into in leiu of the Girl Scouts.
Carefully check out the attitudes of the leaders prior to let your daughter near any of them.
The Boy Scouts also run a branch called Explorers which is open to boys and girls.

I don’t know much about the differences between Explorers and the regular Boy Scouts except that Explorers have green uniforms, Explorers accept girls, and you can remain an Explorer through the age 19 (18 is the upper limit for Boy Scouts).
I will not let my girls join the Girl Scouts.

The organization is morally bankrupt at the top.

Look into the Little Flowers–a much better alternative!!! There’s a link in another thread here somewhere…
Thanks for all the great advice all!! Think I will continue to stay away from the girl scouts. I am glad no one considered me *wierd * for thinking this way. I will look for that little flowers thing. We live in a pretty small community so I doubt there is a local group, but perhaps we could start one!! Thanks again to all!! 😃
My Husband believes that the Girl Scouts were founded by and are run by Masons. Does anyone know if this is so? As a result, he will not allow our girls to take part or even let us buy girl scout cookies. My 6 year old really wants to be a brownie. So far, I have agreed with my husband on this issue, but I really want to know for sure. At a ministry convocation I attended, there was a table with Girl Scout information and brochures with Catholic badges, etc. the girls can earn. Is this just a ruse? If anyone could help clear up this issue, I would be very grateful.
I agree with others, the GS are morally corrupt. Girls can earn badges by visiting places like Planned Parenthood and learning about contraception, condoms, abortion, STDs, and of course the “how to” of sex. The American Life League has a listing of girl scout affiliation with PP--

Stick to Catholic groups.

Girls can earn badges by visiting places like Planned Parenthood and learning about contraception, condoms, abortion, STDs, and of course the “how to” of sex.​

4-H, of all organizations, is starting to get like that. It’s very sad, as I enjoyed that organization as a kid.
Lilyofthevalley said:
American Heritage Girls.

Lily, I once e-mailed this group and asked if they were a protestant-only group or if they accepted Catholics. I never heard from them. Do you know the answer?

I am very surprised of Girl Scouts being thought of as sinful. I was only involved in it in elementary school so obviously sex was not discussed. I made friends and nothing inappropriate or morally unacceptable was ever discussed. I only know of one person who stuck with it past like 5th grade or so. If your child desperately wants to be a brownie, I’d say let her. The chances of her sticking with it to the age where sex is discussed (which I doubt it is very much) is small unless in your area people stay with girlscouts longer.
Susan, no I do not know. They don’t seem to have many members. Is there a telephone number you can contact the “main office” at?
Black Jaque:
The Boy Scouts also run a branch called Explorers which is open to boys and girls.

I don’t know much about the differences between Explorers and the regular Boy Scouts except that Explorers have green uniforms, Explorers accept girls, and you can remain an Explorer through the age 19 (18 is the upper limit for Boy Scouts).
Also Venturer Scouts BSA, Verturer crews are open to boys & girls ages 14 - 21.
I am very surprised of Girl Scouts being thought of as sinful.
I did not say GS was sinful, I said they were morally corrupt and that girls are better off not associating with them and being infected with their secular humanism.
I was only involved in it in elementary school so obviously sex was not discussed. I made friends and nothing inappropriate or morally unacceptable was ever discussed.
Times have changed, do not assume that girls are not being exposed to PP style sex-ed through GS in elementary. PP endorses sex books for children as young as 6 and has many “programs” that are in schools, GS troops, and other groups.
If your child desperately wants to be a brownie, I’d say let her. The chances of her sticking with it to the age where sex is discussed (which I doubt it is very much) is small unless in your area people stay with girlscouts longer.
And sell all those cookies to make money for people in bed with PP? No way! Not when healthy, Catholic alternatives exist.

It’s not just sex topics, but the influence of moral relativity-- everyone’s truth is OK-- that is also concerning.
We have several of the Girl Scout leaders in our area who live a homosexual lifestyle.
I had my daughter in Girl Scouts when she was young. It didn’t work out for us, because we lived in an area with a lot of single moms who wanted to just dump their girls off for free babysitting. (Not my thing). However, I did support Girl Scouts through buying their cookies from friends for many years, until I heard of all the associations with PP, and National leaders that promote homosexuality, and such. We have a couple of troops in our church that run very christian groups. It is good to see. However, a portion of their money always goes to the National, and I refuse to support anything that promotes PP, and Homosexuality. IMO it would be better to have my child in an organizations that promotes our faith and moral beliefs. Yes I find it ironic you will hear of badges for PP visitations (not sure of the name of the badge), and turn around and see in your church where your child can earn their Religious Awards badge :whacky: What does this teach our girls?
I had my daughter in Girl Scouts when she was young. It didn’t work out for us, because we lived in an area with a lot of single moms who wanted to just dump their girls off for free babysitting. (Not my thing). However, I did support Girl Scouts through buying their cookies from friends for many years, until I heard of all the associations with PP, and National leaders that promote homosexuality, and such. We have a couple of troops in our church that run very christian groups. It is good to see. However, a portion of their money always goes to the National, and I refuse to support anything that promotes PP, and Homosexuality. IMO it would be better to have my child in an organizations that promotes our faith and moral beliefs. Yes I find it ironic you will hear of badges for PP visitations (not sure of the name of the badge), and turn around and see in your church where your child can earn their Religious Awards badge :whacky: What does this teach our girls?
Needless to say, this GS info is all new to me. Rest assured I will pass this info along to my childrren and others in an effort to put a dent in their fund raising efforts. As the father of twelve children, there should be an impact. Thanks for the “enlightment”. God bless you and the others posting on this outrageous matter.
I have been (and still am) a Girl Scout leader for 9 years now for my daughter’s troop. I don’t disagree with anything said in this thread.

Girl Scouting is not what it used to be. It is very politically correct and the badges reflect that politically correct orientation.

My biggest concern is the Girl Scouts’ new “Studio 2-B” initiative which is intended to appeal to girls 11 through 17. I have received training to be a “Studio 2-B” leader but have decided not to be involved in Studio 2-B. At one session, when another leader talked about how glad she is that Studio 2-B will address issues such as teen-age pregnancy and even incest, I objected that I was absolutely not qualified to be discussing such things with my Girl Scouts (aged 11-13). Nor did I think that the girls’ parents would appreciate such discussions without their consent. To all this the GS council official responded that GS should be addressing these issues because the Girl Scouts is the appropriate organization to share its values with girls. I was almost apoplectic–as I am sure she was not talking about Catholic values or my values. Needless to say, I have decided not to do Studio 2-B with my scouts or to promote it at all.

In conclusion, I would say that Girl Scouts has some redeeming features. Though like anything, a parent needs to know what is going on in the troop. At younger ages there is probably nothing controversial taking place. Still, you should know the leader and know what activities are occurring.

And yes, there are lesbians in Girl Scouting. I am pretty sure that the head of our GS council is lesbian though it is not something that is advertised and she doesn’t interact with girls (that I know of). For the most part, the troop leaders are moms who have girls in the troop so this tends not to be an issue.

As you can see, I have mixed feelings about Girl Scouting but I continue to do it. By being a leader, I can steer clear of the aspects that I don’t like and provide a more traditional GS experience for my daughter and the girls in our troop–focusing on camping, crafts, service projects, and similar.
Try the Little Flowers Catholic Girls’ Club instead…we are heading into our third year with this great group!
**Who can you trust?
**By Jim Sedlak
Eexecutive director
American Life League’s STOPP International
On April 11, 2004, we will post the results of our effort [to identify Girl Scout councils with Planned Parenthood relationships] on our web site. It will show that we have clearly identified 17 Girl Scout councils who have a relationship with Planned Parenthood and 49 that do not.

**The Cookie Crumbles
**The Girl Scouts go PC.
By Kathryn Jean Lopez, (National Review associate editor, contributing editor to National Catholic Register)
The eyes — and ire — of the world may well be on the wrong Scouts. There are currently 2.7 million Girl Scouts in the U.S. That’s a lot of liberal feminists to look forward to. In a speech shortly after becoming executive director, the Girl Scouts’ Marty Evans boasted, “We’re not your mother’s Girl Scout troop.” No kidding.

Pro-Abortion Feminist Scouts
Hans Zeiger
Hans Zeiger is a columnist, president of the Scout Honor Coalition, and a student at Hillsdale College in Michigan. He can be reached at
February 13, 2004
One might wonder why the Girl Scouts have been spared the painful attacks that have been launched upon the Boy Scouts by the Left in recent years. The reasons are simple: the Girl Scouts allow homosexuals and atheists to join their ranks, and they have become a pro-abortion, feminist training corps.

From Republican National Coalition for Life
Girl Scouts of America CEO Kathy Cloninger, appearing on NBC’s “Today” (3/5/04) said: “We have relationships with our church communities, with YWCA’s, and with Planned Parenthood organizations across the country, to bring information-based sex education programs to girls.”
Genevieve Wood, Vice President for Communications for Family Research Council (FRC), responded to the news in a March 8th release, saying: “Parents have every right to be troubled by an alliance of the Girl Scouts and an organization like Planned Parenthood, the nations most prolific provider of abortions.”

**Girl Scouts: “We Partner With Planned Parenthood Organizations”
**by Paul Nowak Staff Writer
March 9, 2004
Parents have every right to be troubled by an alliance of the Girl Scouts and an organization like Planned Parenthood," said Family Research Council Vice President for Communications Genevieve Wood. “They may see themselves as a `health organization,’ but parents know exactly what Planned Parenthood is, and no amount of spin will change that.”
Wood added that parents across the country should look into whether or not their local Girl Scouting organizations are supporting Planned Parenthood events as the Bluebonnet Council in Waco had.
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