Try the Little Flowers Catholic Girls’ Club instead…we are heading into our third year with this great group!
**Who can you trust?
**By Jim Sedlak
Eexecutive director
American Life League’s STOPP International
On April 11, 2004, we will post the results of our effort [to identify Girl Scout councils with Planned Parenthood relationships] on our web site. It will show that we have clearly identified 17 Girl Scout councils who have a relationship with Planned Parenthood and 49 that do not.
**The Cookie Crumbles
**The Girl Scouts go PC.
By Kathryn Jean Lopez, (National Review associate editor, contributing editor to National Catholic Register)
The eyes — and ire — of the world may well be on the wrong Scouts. There are currently 2.7 million Girl Scouts in the U.S. That’s a lot of liberal feminists to look forward to. In a speech shortly after becoming executive director, the Girl Scouts’ Marty Evans boasted, “We’re not your mother’s Girl Scout troop.” No kidding.
Pro-Abortion Feminist Scouts
Hans Zeiger
Hans Zeiger is a columnist, president of the Scout Honor Coalition, and a student at Hillsdale College in Michigan. He can be reached at
February 13, 2004
One might wonder why the Girl Scouts have been spared the painful attacks that have been launched upon the Boy Scouts by the Left in recent years. The reasons are simple: the Girl Scouts allow homosexuals and atheists to join their ranks, and they have become a pro-abortion, feminist training corps.
From Republican National Coalition for Life
Girl Scouts of America CEO Kathy Cloninger, appearing on NBC’s “Today” (3/5/04) said: “We have relationships with our church communities, with YWCA’s, and with Planned Parenthood organizations across the country, to bring information-based sex education programs to girls.”
Genevieve Wood, Vice President for Communications for Family Research Council (FRC), responded to the news in a March 8th release, saying: “Parents have every right to be troubled by an alliance of the Girl Scouts and an organization like Planned Parenthood, the nations most prolific provider of abortions.”
**Girl Scouts: “We Partner With Planned Parenthood Organizations”
**by Paul Nowak Staff Writer
March 9, 2004
Parents have every right to be troubled by an alliance of the Girl Scouts and an organization like Planned Parenthood," said Family Research Council Vice President for Communications Genevieve Wood. “They may see themselves as a `health organization,’ but parents know exactly what Planned Parenthood is, and no amount of spin will change that.”
Wood added that parents across the country should look into whether or not their local Girl Scouting organizations are supporting Planned Parenthood events as the Bluebonnet Council in Waco had.