Girl Scouts O.K.?

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This is so sad, Girl Scouts have really changed since I was
involved as a kid. There is a troop out of a local parish that I
helped with their fundraising efforts last year. I will not do it
again after what I learned a few months ago regarding their
association with Planned Parenthood. I will also no longer buy
the cookies. I have told others about it and at cookie time
I will pass the word around as much as possible. What a shame
it has come to this. 😦
Black Jaque:
The Boy Scouts also run a branch called Explorers which is open to boys and girls.

I don’t know much about the differences between Explorers and the regular Boy Scouts except that Explorers have green uniforms, Explorers accept girls, and you can remain an Explorer through the age 19 (18 is the upper limit for Boy Scouts).
Venture is another group; a branch of the Explorer program.  Explorer is more career based, Venture is normally outdoors or something adVENTUREous.
My Husband believes that the Girl Scouts were founded by and are run by Masons. Does anyone know if this is so? As a result, he will not allow our girls to take part or even let us buy girl scout cookies. My 6 year old really wants to be a brownie. So far, I have agreed with my husband on this issue, but I really want to know for sure. At a ministry convocation I attended, there was a table with Girl Scout information and brochures with Catholic badges, etc. the girls can earn. Is this just a ruse? If anyone could help clear up this issue, I would be very grateful.
"Rainbow Girls" are the Masons' female youth group and seem to bill themselves as just as good as the GS.  However, the local GS Unit in your area may be affiliated with the Mason Lodge; in which case I would avoid it.
We had quite the 'to do' with my daughter and Rainbow Girls.  Her friends, whose family are 'practicing Catholics', were leaders in this group through their father who was (is?) an active member.
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