Becuase your an entertainer one should not point our the errors in your thought? This is stupid should we all shut up about our opinions on Scientology becasue Tom Cruise has a high opinion on the reliigon? So now we don’t have an opinion on Mormonism because Glen Beck has a favorable opinion of Mormonism and has some negative views on Catholcism.He is an entertainer. He slings stones at himself regularly, just look at his website and you will see he pokes fun at himself first. And that he follows a faith that is wrong beginning with its very foundation is not unlike many who need to hear the truth. We all have skeletons and let us not nitpick and see who has the most bones. If you don’t like what Glenn Beck says or practices, just turn off the radio or t.v. There are much bigger fish to fry.![]()
And Sorry I am not a kool-aid drinker who shuts off what he he disagrees with and only tunes in to what he agrees with. That is not engaging in critical thinking. I watch shows with which I agree with and those which I disagree with. Glen Beck is a show which sometimes I agree with and sometimes I disagree with. My disagreement does not mean I should shut off the televevision that is something only people on the extreme left and right do and they are more ignorant because of this attitude and failure to engage the other at their level.