Glen Beck

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He is an entertainer. He slings stones at himself regularly, just look at his website and you will see he pokes fun at himself first. And that he follows a faith that is wrong beginning with its very foundation is not unlike many who need to hear the truth. We all have skeletons and let us not nitpick and see who has the most bones. If you don’t like what Glenn Beck says or practices, just turn off the radio or t.v. There are much bigger fish to fry.👍
Becuase your an entertainer one should not point our the errors in your thought? This is stupid should we all shut up about our opinions on Scientology becasue Tom Cruise has a high opinion on the reliigon? So now we don’t have an opinion on Mormonism because Glen Beck has a favorable opinion of Mormonism and has some negative views on Catholcism.
And Sorry I am not a kool-aid drinker who shuts off what he he disagrees with and only tunes in to what he agrees with. That is not engaging in critical thinking. I watch shows with which I agree with and those which I disagree with. Glen Beck is a show which sometimes I agree with and sometimes I disagree with. My disagreement does not mean I should shut off the televevision that is something only people on the extreme left and right do and they are more ignorant because of this attitude and failure to engage the other at their level.
most protestants are monothestic and are baptised into the church. mormons on the other hand are not even monotheistic. the mormon state of utah has a higher divorce rate than the national average. we have much more in common with jews and muslims.

mormonism is a cult. they were founded by a pervert and a liar. joe smith is as evil as they come. while mormons apear to share much of our mainline christian values, under thier family friendly facade their theological and philosophical errors are manifest.

if you have disordered beliefs, you will eventually act disordered. i’m only bringing this up because i feel that we take philosophy too lightly in our secularized relativistic democracy.
Hey its great that we can unite with Mormons with we can but most overestiamte how much we are alike. They are still serial pologomist as they have dicorce as allowable. They are not pro-life in entirely they are for abortion in case or rape and incest and brith defects and are pro-capital punishment. They are not trinitarian in fact they are not even monotheistic like the Jews and Mormons are they are polytheists in beleive in many gods and many kingdoms of gods. And lets just say they have an embarassing history of contradictions as they once endorsed pologomy and racism whose origins are in the Book of Mormon and the life of Joseph Smith and not in the New Testament and the life of Jesus Christ and his apostles.
originally posted by Wisdom
And Sorry I am not a kool-aid drinker who shuts off what he he disagrees with and only tunes in to what he agrees with. That is not engaging in critical thinking. I watch shows with which I agree with and those which I disagree with. Glen Beck is a show which sometimes I agree with and sometimes I disagree with. My disagreement does not mean I should shut off the televevision that is something only people on the extreme left and right do and they are more ignorant because of this attitude and failure to engage the other at their level.
No one is saying you have to shut him off but it certainly would not hurt to email him and tell him you are not happy he is attacking the catholic view of life and advocating for the wonder of invention of birth control. Suppose he advocated for the wonder of the invention of abortion, would that too be OK.

These conservative entertainers get paid a lot of money. He is funny but even funny doesn’t make it when he openly attacks my faith.
I think he is a good man. He is a recovering alchololic and I think his Catholic childhood was difficult. Like so many people he cannot seperate the pain of his past from the truth of the Catholic church. He speaks lovingly of his wife, a devoted mother.
Glen is very funny and does make fun of himself on a regular basis. I try not to miss his TV shows and listen to him on a daily basis on radio. He brings a certain humor to everyday happenings. He a good break from the seriousness and surface things we tend to attach so much importance to today.

He great!
I have not heard Glenn Beck on the radio in three years. Cleveland radio dropped his show and I am glad for that. Glenn is a former Catholic and he really ticked me off on day. He made a comment about the Blessed Mother that really furriated me. It’s just that you don’t talk about our Mother. I really don’t recall the comement but being a former Catholic, he knew he was going to rubCatholics the wrong way.

We currently wentn local in Glenn’s former timeslot and the host is a Catholic, but not totally Orthodox, but it’s a better fit for the time slot.
Glenn Beck grew up Catholic, but during his teen years and up until he was 30, he was pretty much a boozehound and didn’t really believe in anything. His current wife was the reason he became Mormon. I like listening to him because he is conservative and the way he calls the president of Iran. He calls him “President Tom”. From time to time, he has Catholic leaders come onto the show and talk about the issues, I think one from Catholic Answers? He’s smart, but not smart enough to get out of mormonism.
GB = well-meaning gas-bag. Sorry. He should team up with Billow.:extrahappy: :dancing:
He is a gas bag - to the point of being mentally fatiguing.

I’m flipping channels the other night - I land on him and stayed there for about 5 minutes. He never starts out “low” and builds up his emotions - he seems to always be out of the gate in a rant mode - he started his show on a high rant about pedophiles and how majorily they cannot be rehabilitated. I agreed with everything he said - then flipped the channel because quite frankly, he made his point in 5 minutes but continued to rant and rave about the subject - enough already! Even Bill O’Reilly moves on to other stuff.

So I flip channels to see what else was on -
…no kidding - 25 minutes later I flip back to see what else he is talking about - and he is STILL on that same high rant and STILL raving about the same subject! I cant deal with people like that. On and on and on and on droning, ranting, raving about the same subject when they made their point within the first 5 minutes!
He is a gas bag - to the point of being mentally fatiguing.

I’m flipping channels the other night - I land on him and stayed there for about 5 minutes. He never starts out “low” and builds up his emotions - he seems to always be out of the gate in a rant mode - he started his show on a high rant about pedophiles and how majorily they cannot be rehabilitated. I agreed with everything he said - then flipped the channel because quite frankly, he made his point in 5 minutes but continued to rant and rave about the subject - enough already! Even Bill O’Reilly moves on to other stuff.

So I flip channels to see what else was on -
…no kidding - 25 minutes later I flip back to see what else he is talking about - and he is STILL on that same high rant and STILL raving about the same subject! I cant deal with people like that. On and on and on and on droning, ranting, raving about the same subject when they made their point within the first 5 minutes!
I thought you were a centrist:confused:
I thought you were a centrist:confused:
I am a centrist. I am also open minded, but not enough to allow my brains to leak out…

also, do you EVER contribute more than glib sarcastic one liners to this forum? I am hard pressed to find much in your posts that have more than 5 lines, heck even 3 (that arent copy and pasted from someone elses) contributed by you.

I shoot out a few one liners now and then, but you take the cake, imo.
I am a centrist. I am also open minded, but not enough to allow my brains to leak out…

also, do you EVER contribute more than glib sarcastic one liners to this forum? I am hard pressed to find much in your posts that have more than 5 lines, heck even 3 (that arent copy and pasted from someone elses) contributed by you.

I shoot out a few one liners now and then, but you take the cake, imo.
Wow - what a rude thing to say to Aimee. Where are the rules to the number of words a post must include? (and rude words like yours don’t count for much).

At least I have never seen Aimee post anything unkind. sheesh.

Here - have a splash of some Holy Water and SHAKE it off. 😦
You must not know how to interpret her posts then
Apparently you don’t…as I had only ask you a question.

Now I suggest you put me on ignore and I will address no more questions to you.

I will , however, respond to any post I choose and in any way in accordance with the rules of this forum.
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