I have been studying global climate change to better understand what ideas are being submitted as evidence. I discovered a theory from a scientist, Allen Savory, that I had never seen before. In this TED talk Savory describes his research. Here is a brief description, however, it would be better if you watched the TED Talk.
“Desertification is a fancy word for land that is turning to desert,” begins Allan Savory in this quietly powerful talk. And terrifyingly, it’s happening to about two-thirds of the world’s grasslands, accelerating climate change and causing traditional grazing societies to descend into social chaos. Savory has devoted his life to stopping it. He now believes – and his work so far shows – that a surprising factor can protect grasslands and even reclaim degraded land that was once desert.
Savory has done experiments using cattle herds to restore desert to grasslands. He calls this method Holistic Management. This is the website: https://www.savory.global/
Two thirds (2/3) of the world’s landmass is desert and it is increasing. Savory says this may be causing most of the global climate change.
Thousands of gallons of rain water fall on damaged bare soil and the evaporation occurs within days. Carbon is lost from the soil. The carbon is expelled into the atmosphere. Because of the amount of carbon lost from the soil, Savory says, it would not matter if we discontinued the use of carbon producing fossil fuels.
There have been several posts on CAF about global warming and or climate change. This research of Savory might be a big piece of the model that most reports ignore.
The Global Climate Change advocates often say that we need to become vegetarians and eliminate the cattle herds. This theory says we may need to increase the herds. What about the methane produced by the animals?
I don’t know the full implications of this theory, however, it is an intriguing revelation.
What do you think?
Have you heard about this theory?
“Desertification is a fancy word for land that is turning to desert,” begins Allan Savory in this quietly powerful talk. And terrifyingly, it’s happening to about two-thirds of the world’s grasslands, accelerating climate change and causing traditional grazing societies to descend into social chaos. Savory has devoted his life to stopping it. He now believes – and his work so far shows – that a surprising factor can protect grasslands and even reclaim degraded land that was once desert.
Savory has done experiments using cattle herds to restore desert to grasslands. He calls this method Holistic Management. This is the website: https://www.savory.global/
Two thirds (2/3) of the world’s landmass is desert and it is increasing. Savory says this may be causing most of the global climate change.
Thousands of gallons of rain water fall on damaged bare soil and the evaporation occurs within days. Carbon is lost from the soil. The carbon is expelled into the atmosphere. Because of the amount of carbon lost from the soil, Savory says, it would not matter if we discontinued the use of carbon producing fossil fuels.
There have been several posts on CAF about global warming and or climate change. This research of Savory might be a big piece of the model that most reports ignore.
The Global Climate Change advocates often say that we need to become vegetarians and eliminate the cattle herds. This theory says we may need to increase the herds. What about the methane produced by the animals?
I don’t know the full implications of this theory, however, it is an intriguing revelation.
What do you think?
Have you heard about this theory?