Gloria Olivae our next Pope?

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Need some help here on the translation.

Would that be, “glory of the olives”?
Hope these wet your apptite
We prefer our appetites to be dry. Thanks anyway! 😃
Saint Malachys prophecies are not accepted by Catholic scholars to be valid.
My wife has a close friend named “Gloria Oliva” (singular) and I informed her one day SHE might be one of the “Olivae” chosen to lead the Catholic Church!

No chance, she replied: “Although I am a devout Catholic woman, would the Church ever allow a female Pope, or ‘la Popessa,’ on the throne of Peter?” 😃
The Order of St Benedict has claimed by tradition that this pope will come from within the Order. St Benedict himself has prophesied that before the end of the world comes about, his Order will triumphantly lead the Catholic Church in its fight against evil. The Order of St Benedict is also known as the OLIVETANS, which may well account for another interpretation of the prophecy. Catholic scholars and Exegetes wrote our Catholic Encyclopedia, available free at…the article there on Saint Malachy ends saying we should look at his propheses …TWICE. Do we have any possible candidates from The Order of Saint Benedict? IHS Daryl
St. Malachy O’Morgair (1095?-1148)

Maelmhaedhoc O’Morgair (Latin form: Malachy) was born in Armagh, Ireland in 1094. In 1148, he died in the arms of St. Bernard of Clairvaux, his biographer.

St. Malachy was reported to have possessed the powers of levitation, healing, and clairvoyance. While on his way to the Vatican to assume the post of papal legate for Ireland, he fell into trance and saw a line of papal reigns stretching from the successor to Innocent II and extending through centuries to the last of the line, identified as Peter of Rome. Malachy assigned short descriptions in Latin to each pope when he committed his vision to paper. These mottoes usually refer to a family name, birthplace, coat-of-arms, or office held before election to the papacy. Some of the phrases are multiple prophecies, written with ingenious word play. For example, Pius II, who reigned for only 26 days in 1503, was aptly described as “De Parvo Homine” (from a little man). His family name was Piccolomini, Italian for “little man.”

Sometimes the personal history of the pope plays a part in the motto given by Malachy. Clement XIII (1758-69), who had conenctions with the government of the Italian state of Umbria and whose emblem was a rose, was called by Malachy Rosa Umbriae, the “Rose of Umbria.”

The passage of time has proved doubters of St. Malachy wrong, for his prophecies have turned out to be amazingly accurate. He even prophesied the precise date of his own death, and got it right. The prophecies concern the papacy, starting with Pope Celestine II in 1143. In all, 112 popes and their characteristics are listed from 1143 to the “end of the world.”

Here are descriptions of the final popes according to Malachy:

Pastor et Nauta/Shepherd and Navigator: John XXIII (1958 -1963), patriarch of Venice (a city full of sailors) led his flock to a modernization of the Church through the Ecumenical Council. John chose two symbols for this Council – a cross and a ship.

Flors Florum/Flower of Flowers: Paul VI (1963-1978) had a coat-of-arms depicting three fleurs-de-lis.

De Medietate Lunae/From the Half Moon: John Paul I (1978-1978) had the given name of Albino Luciani or “white light.” Half-way into his short reign, a lunar eclipse occurred.

De Labore Solis/From the Toil of the Sun [Labore could also be Effort, Distress, Suffering, Trouble, leading to quite a few variations. The preceding is the usual translation.]: John Paul II was born during the solar eclipse of May 18, 1920.

De Gloria Olivae/From the Glory of the Olives: The Order of Saint Benedict has claimed that this pope will come from their ranks. Saint Benedict himself prophesied that before the end of the world his Order, known also as the Olivetans, will triumphantly lead the Catholic Church in its fight against evil. Petrus Romanus/Peter of Rome: The Final Pope? “In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church there will reign Peter the Roman, who will feed his flock among many tribulations, after which the seven-hilled city will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the people.” IHS Daryl
Saint Malachys prophecies are not accepted by Catholic scholars to be valid.
Are “Catholic” scholars accepted by Saint Malachy to be Catholic, or even scholars?
Why is it so hard to understand that the Church has said that the so-called prophecy from St Malachy, one, not a prophecy and, two, not from St Malachy to begin with.

I guess it goes the same for following false apparitions and apparitions that are not approved.

This, again, so-called prophecy goes against what Jesus has said, that we well not know the hour.

**Luke 12
**39 "But be sure of this, that if the head of the house had known at what hour the thief was coming, he would not have allowed his house to be broken into.
40 “You too, be ready; for the Son of Man is coming at an hour that you do not expect.”

Now I know some will say that knowing the when the last pope is in office does not tell us the time of the end but notice what these verses from Luke actually say.

They say “if the head of the house had known at what hour” not the exact time just the hour. So we can see that if we know when the last pope is in place we would know the “hour” and not the exact time.

For any “prophecy” we must look to see if it goes against any of the Chruches Teachings, actually the Church does this as it is its job to decide these things, not ours. And the Church has ruled on this and says that this “prophecy” is false and that it is not from St Malachy.

And one last time, even if it did come from him, he is not infallible, no saint is.
Saint Malachy was the Church in Ireland as it’s ArchBishop and Magesterium. If our Church has made a ruling against this ArchBishop/Saint, please help me find it. My understanding is traditionally The RCC has an unwritten policy to do nothing with non Bible prophecy and let events unfold historically. Technically, it might be a passively, subjectively reveiwed, unapproved (possible) Revealed Truth. Saint Paul called the gift of wisdom, understanding, truth, and knowledge - Prophecy. A gift from God. That is in the Bible. IHS Daryl
The one that impresses me though is the one for JPII, “of the eclipse of the sun” or “from the toil of the sun”. Since JPII was born and I think elected as pope during a solar eclipse that is pretty amazing.
How about De Mediatate Lunae (from the midst of the moon or from the half of the moon)? John Paul I, a 33 day reign.
Saint Malachy was the Church in Ireland as it’s ArchBishop and Magesterium. If our Church has made a ruling against this ArchBishop/Saint, please help me find it. My understanding is traditionally The RCC has an unwritten policy to do nothing with non Bible prophecy and let events unfold historically. Technically, it might be a passively, subjectively reveiwed, unapproved (possible) Revealed Truth. Saint Paul called the gift of wisdom, understanding, truth, and knowledge - Prophecy. A gift from God. That is in the Bible. IHS Daryl
He was an archbishop but he was not the Magesterium. The Magesterium is all of the bishops of the Church teaching in unison.

The Church has not “ruled” against St Malachy, but they have determined that the, so-called, prophecy of St Malachy actually did not come from the saint but was created in the 16th (or so) century.

That being said, just because a saint may have said something while they were alive, that does not make it infallible. Only the pope is infallible and then only in certain circumstances.

This is just much ado about nothing. Another source of “secret” knowledge.
Yes, he represented the RCC’s teaching as part of the Living Magesterium. Prophecy is a gift from God. What do you think of Maria Esparanza?
Well, too, Gloria Olivae could be “glory TO the olives”

Pass the vodka.
Saint Malachy was the Church in Ireland as it’s ArchBishop and Magesterium.
The Magisterium should not be confused with the words of a single man, not even that of an archbishop-saint.

Gerry 🙂
Yes, he represented the RCC’s teaching as part of the Living Magesterium. Prophecy is a gift from God. What do you think of Maria Esparanza?
A single archbishop or bishop or even a single Cardinal does not necessarily speak for the entire Magisterium, any more than you or I can speak infallibly for the entire human race, though we are a part of it as well.

Gerry 🙂
That’s crazy to suggest we have two more Popes. That’s like waiting for the end of the world to happen. I think people like that talk about that stuff because they are depressed. Here’s information on Maria Esperanza…

Padre Pio “Don’t worry, work and pray.”
Yes, he represented the RCC’s teaching as part of the Living Magesterium. Prophecy is a gift from God. What do you think of Maria Esparanza?
Just as Gerry said, no one person speaks for the Magesterium.

As for prophecy, yes it is a gift from God, please show where I said it wasn’t. What I said is that this, so-called, prophecy is not a prophecy and is not from St Malachy.

As for Maria Esparanze, I do not know anything about her. Anyways it does not matter, public revelation has ended. Private revelation, which this, so-called, prophecy would be part of is not part of the Deposit of the Faith. It is not a de fide of the Church. One can say they are false, heck we do not even have to believe in Fatima to be a faithful, good, Catholic.

Private revelations are just that, private. They, all of them, really play no part in my spirituality, I could live without any of them. I will say this though. The Divine Mercy and St Faustina does play a small role in my prayer life but again, not that large of one. I stick to the Church. Pray the Liturgy of the Hours and attend the Liturgy when I can.
we can go on thinking Bush is the result of democratic elections and Bin Laden ran away from the mighty US Army riding his motorbike.
But the truth is gradually emerging.
DECEPTION. We don’t know for sure if next Pope is Cardinal Lustiger but we know that antichrist has already been named:
It’s not in the future; it’s now and the funny thing is that nobody is talking about that.
endtimes are here, also if we prefer to manipulate Jesus’ own words.
why on 26th of June 2000, John Paul II chose these:
chapter 12, Revelation and “I thank you God to have kept these things hidden to wise and literate men and to have shown them to these little ones”
These continuous recall of public and private revelation is boring.
Truth is truth; truth is not schizophrenic.
Why is there all this interest to hide i Novissimi concepts?
Where have gone Satan, the Hell and the apocalypse?
The truth is that the Vatican is full of evil and Pope John Paul II is trying to make us aware of this.
Malachi Martin is dead, Esperanza is dead (Parkinson like disease)
What an embarassing coincidence?
Will he find faith on earth? don’t you think most of Catholics are the modern Pharisees?
I heard somewhere, (sorry I can’t remember where) that this prophecy was determined to anly date back to the 16th century when it was discovered. This was a fake to make some of the popes of that time appear to be part of the prophecy. The Church considers it a total fabrication.

The funny thing about is that it is precise for the popes after St. Malachy died - in 1152 - and vague for the popes after 1590. Which very strongly suggests that it was cooked up to look like a prophecy. Of cpurse it was reliable for the period after St. Malachy - the composer would have had no trouble there. But forgers are not usually much good at pediction, so the Popes after 1590 needed guesswork - so, make 'em vague: then you can’t possibly go wrong.​

If it had not had the name of a sainted bishop attached to it, this absurd composition would not have attracted the attention it has.

Pseudo-prophecy has always been very popular in the Church - if it’s not St.Vincent Ferrer preaching that the Antichrist was born in 1403 - he would be well past pensionable age, and unlikely to do much anti-Christing - it’s some nun prophesying the downfall of Henry VIII, or some ridiculous tale about the Blessed Virgin appearing in a puddle. But there is no story so inane or so lacking in foundation, that Christians won’t swallow it. Even though the Gospel & the Church warn against running after “signs”.

Hitler was absolutely right: the bigger the lie, the more likely it is to be believed. As a false prophet himself, he was equipped to know. (From one POV, Nazism is a development of Christian apocalypticism, with Hitler as the “Catholic Emperor” who will help the Church in the last days. Catholic notions of such a figure may have helped to lessen resistance to him 😦 - another reason for ignoring the torrent of false prophecies: they are morally and spiritually corrupting).

There are a lot of lonely people out there - what better way to attract attention, devotion, influence and **money **than to set up as a prophet ? ##
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