Gnostic Atheism

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Here are some of the “variety of ancient religious ideas and systems”: There are modern forms to (some tiny).

I. Syrian-Egyptian Gnosticism
  • Sethite-Barbeloite
  • Samaritan Baptist sects
  • Valentinianism
  • Thomasine traditions
  • Marcion
  • Hermeticism
  • Naassenes
  • Ophites
  • Serpentarians
  • Carpocratians
  • Borborites
  • Cerinthus
  • Cainites
II. Persian Gnosticism
  • Manichaeism
  • Mandaeanism
III. Middle Age Gnosticism
  • Catharism
  • Kabbalah (influence)
IV. Modern Gnosticism
  • Mandaens (Iraq)
  • Ecclesia Gnostica
  • Apostolic Johannite Church
  • Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica / Ordo Templi Orientis
  • Thomasine Church
  • Alexandrian Gnostic Church
  • North American College of Gnostic Bishops
I don’t see any atheists on this list.
I don’t see any atheists on this list.
Atheists are not on that list because the modern philosophy of pessimism is not identified as Gnosticism, but pessimism (which may or may not be athiest) is a common basis of both.
Gnosticism is simply the belief in personal knowledge (gnosis) from the divine, but if you’re equating gnosticism with pessimism, then a lot of the things you listed aren’t actually gnostic. There are certainly some gnostic schools of thought that teach that the material world is evil, but to apply that to all gnostic traditions is misleading.

I am a member of Ordo Templi Orientis and an ordained deacon in Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica, and we teach that all existence is pure joy and that no part of the universe is corrupt. On the contrary, everything in the universe is considered holy to us. We have nothing to do with pessimism.
Yes, I think at least some modern schools are not like the earlier schools, based in pessimism, so I would not call those truly Gnosticism. The pessimism in original schools is simply that the universe is inherently evil, or alternatively, flawed or as simply limited to imperfection by nature – and hopefully one can be freed of this type of existence.
We’ve all run across this crowd on the internet in one form or another. The section of atheists who claim to know for a fact that there is no God. Among this crowd are people such as:

Penn Jillette

Adam Carolla

Stephen Hawking

P.Z. Myers

Daniel Finke (blogger on Patheos:

I’m already of the opinion that the stance is at best illogical, but I was wondering what some of you guys make of this.
Atheism is denial, yes. And illogical.
You are going to have to be more specific about which gnostic schools you’re talking about, possibly to the point of abandoning your original assertion. I know for a fact that Hermeticism and the Kabbalah don’t view the universe as inherently flawed either. Really, the only thing they all have in common is the reliance on personal gnosis of the divine, as opposed to dogma.
Hermeticism sought freedom from the planetary sphere influence.

I don’t know much about Kabbalah, but I think the origin of evil in the Godhead (the power of judgement I think) is the idea similar to the Gnostic.
Can you explain what this sentence means? I can’t find anything resembling it in the Wikipedia article, but maybe you have better sources.

What do you mean by “the origin of evil in the Godhead”? This isn’t a Kabbalistic idea, nor is it in any of the gnostic schools I’m aware of. Where did you get it from?
For Medieval Kabbalists, the Sefiroth are potencies constituting the Godhead, described in On the Mystical Shape of the Godhead: Basic Concepts in the Kabbalah By Gershom Scholem

And Aryeh Kaplan writes in The Bahir:

“The concept of Chesed-Love is that of freely giving, while that of Gevurah-Strength is that of restraint. When it is said that Strength is restraint, it is in the sense of the teaching “Who is strong, he who restrains his urge”. It is obvious that man can restrain his nature, but if man can do so, then God certainly can. God’s nature, however, is to do good and therefore, when He restrains His nature, the result is evil. The sephira of Gevurah-Strength is therefore seen as the source of evil.”
The Sephiroth on the Tree of Life represent all of existence, not just the Godhead. It’s the first three Sephiroth, known as the Supernals (Kether-“Crown”, Chokhmah-“Wisdom”, and Binah-“Understanding”), that represent the Godhead.

Chesed and Geburah are below the Supernals as the 4th and 5th Sephiroth respectively. I don’t have the full context of your quote, so I don’t know what he means by the source of evil, but the source of evil in the tradition that I’m part of is in the imbalance of Chesed and Geburah, not the Sephiroth themselves.

As the Ordo Templi Orientis document, Liber Librae, puts it:

“Remember that unbalanced force is evil; that unbalanced severity is but cruelty and oppression; but that also unbalanced mercy is but weakness which would allow and abet Evil.”

In any case, there is no evil above the Abyss where the Godhead is.
I did not know that. The idea I am referring to is stated in the first source I posted, p. 83:
"It is precisely the rigorously theistic tendency of Lurianic Kabbalah that requires evil as a factor necessarily inherent in Creation per se, without which Creation would instantly loose its separate existence and return to being absorbed in the Infinite. …The existence of evil in potentia,indeed of Satan himself, is rooted in God; whereas prior to tsimtsum it was included in the light of the Infinite, which contains the seeds of darkness, evil becomes progressively more independent during the course of a dialectic process … "
Interesting. I think your sources are closer to Orthodox Jewish Kabbalah than my tradition, which mixes it with Hermeticism.

I had to google “Lurianic Kabbalah”.

From the perspective of my tradition, I would basically agree with the above quote, though I wouldn’t call it “evil”. Nothing that comes from God is really evil, even if it might appear so due to a limited understanding below the Abyss. Pain, death, and the general messiness of manifestation and incarnation aren’t evils, they’re just part of life, and the lessons they teach are essentially good. True evil only occurs when there is imbalance, and you lose sight of the Supernals (which the Christian Kabbalists associated with the Holy Trinity).

I would say that view is hardly pessimistic.
We see a great difference between Christianity where God is Creator of the world ex nihilo, vs any system with emanation, including Gnosticism such as those of Basilides and Valentinus, in which emanation played a prominent part.
I am a member of Ordo Templi Orientis and an ordained deacon in Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica, and we teach that all existence is pure joy and that no part of the universe is corrupt. On the contrary, everything in the universe is considered holy to us. We have nothing to do with pessimism.
This “all existence” must be a qualified “all”, I presume?

Clearly, not ALL existence is pure joy–

What is your religion’s explanation for the existence of evil?
How do you explain this?
As I see it, a Gnostic Atheism is very much like the exaltation and worship of a specialized kind of knowledge - just as ancient Religious Gnosticism is. Ultimately, it is putting Self in the place of God.

Religious gnostics were known to have secret knowledge - various mystery-rites only for the initiated and the elect. Freemasonry is a modern version of Gnostic Religion of ancient times.

So, there is talk about gods, but its not God who is accessed through faith, humility, virtue and worship – but a god accessed through knowing various secrets about nature or material things. It’s a religion of Pride - Self-Fulfillment with the human being who has this supposed higher knowledge being at the peak of all things.

Gnostics were like Magicians - who worked wonders through magic tricks. They saw themselves as set-apart from the rabble of society, the uneducated and uninitiated. They were the special-ones and everyone else was not. It’s like the 33rd Degree of Freemasonry, available only to the select few, with hidden knowledge.

Materialist atheism is a parallel to Freemasonry. It’s the same kind of worship of knowledge and ultimately worship of Self - but without the supposed gods of nature that have magic powers. Instead, it’s secret knowledge accessed through materialist philosophy and science – that arrive at no gods at all.

Each atheist, ultimately, puts him or herself in the position of the elect. There really is no one else who can count for much - only the lone self of the atheist who must believe he/she has an independence from God.

But the Gnosis is basically the same in any case. The elect (or elites) have a kind of secret understanding - and knowledge of the physical aspect of things is seen as the only truth.
This would explain why they are all so secretive and only reveal their opinions to the initiated. If only they were more outspoken could we know what they believe.
If you think atheists give clear explanations on why they do not believe that God exists, I would like to see some of that.
I generally take them at their word when they say it’s due to a lack of convincing evidence.
If you think that is sufficient then I wouldn’t think you’d have much to discuss with atheists, right?
Do you think they have secret reasons that they aren’t sharing?
Yes, I know many of them do.
Most of the hardcore atheists I know are upfront to the point of being annoying, and sometimes I wish they could keep it in a secret society.
Yes, but you just said all they’re saying is there is no convincing evidence. Apparently, that is enough for you.

I’ll have to guess that you don’t have any convincing evidence that God exists yourself, right? When shown evidence, would you simply say “it’s not convincing”?
Your agument was that gnosticism was a form of pessimism. I’ve shown that it is not.
It was not unqualified and the original are. See the original post I made referencing Catholic Encyclopedia. The recent groups the call themselves Gnostic are not like the original.
The most curious fact is that atheists demand proof for God but are clueless as to proving there is no God. 🤷
Yes, but my point is that they differed in your core claim. The Catholic Encyclopedia isn’t a good source on historical gnosticism.
No, it is not a very good analysis and we have must more information today. For the post you are referring to I wrote that pessimism is a common basis of both philosophical pessimism and Gnosticism, and I mean origins of Gnosticism, most of the early groups died out.
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