I don’t see any atheists on this list.Here are some of the “variety of ancient religious ideas and systems”: There are modern forms to (some tiny).
I. Syrian-Egyptian Gnosticism
II. Persian Gnosticism
- Sethite-Barbeloite
- Samaritan Baptist sects
- Valentinianism
- Thomasine traditions
- Marcion
- Hermeticism
- Naassenes
- Ophites
- Serpentarians
- Carpocratians
- Borborites
- Cerinthus
- Cainites
III. Middle Age Gnosticism
- Manichaeism
- Mandaeanism
IV. Modern Gnosticism
- Catharism
- Kabbalah (influence)
- Mandaens (Iraq)
- Ecclesia Gnostica
- Apostolic Johannite Church
- Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica / Ordo Templi Orientis
- Thomasine Church
- Alexandrian Gnostic Church
- North American College of Gnostic Bishops