If you are using logic to prove that the doctrine on the Trinity is false, then your approach fails for reasons I’ve given.I’m not demanding a proof of the trinity, I’m demanding that the trinity not be provably-false.
We learned the doctrine of the Trinity from the teaching of Christ. It is not an idea that was deduced through logic or philosophical speculation. The teaching was given as true statement which can only be accepted on the basis of Faith. The teaching cannot be falsified by human reasoning since it transcends reason.
The idea that a Being can exist outside of space, outside of time and as an immaterial quality - is an idea that Transcends human reason. Logic can give us certainty that such a Being must exist. But it cannot analyze the various dynamics and inner nature of that Being.
Jesus taught us that the inner nature of God is three divine persons. We accept that not because we have some rational means of validating that it is true or false. But we accept it as an authoritative, divine teaching that comes from God.
If God explained to you directly, how he created the universe out of nothing - do you think you could explain it in logical, scientific terms?
I’ll add, JK - I think the challenge for you is on the first philosophical proofs (first cause, atributes, etc) - not on the Trinity. I gave a scale or path of analysis before - understanding the Trinity, a Faith-based teaching, can only come after a person believes that God exists.
After that, if you do not believe that Jesus is the Son of God, then you also have no grounds for believing the Trinity.
Early Christian heresies (and they continue today), denied the existence of the Trinity, or the relationships of persons. The monophysites, Arians, Modalism – there were many.
But every one of them, started with belief that God exists, and some Faith that Jesus gave true teaching. Accepting that Jesus is the 2nd Person of the Trinity - comes from New Testament analysis, not from mathematical analysis or logical syllogisms Alone (much logic was used to arrive at the full doctrine of the Trinity, but that logic could only begin after the New Testament was accepted as the true Word of God, giving True data to analyze).
Again, if you don’t believe that Jesus is the Son of God, then you’ve got your “falsification” already. Why bother talking about the Trinity?
P1 If the doctrine of the Trinity is true, only God could reveal it (since it cannot be derived logically from anything observable in human experience)
P2 Jesus was the only person who ever spoke directly of this doctrine
P3 Jesus did not receive a revelation from God
C The doctrine of the Trinity is false
This is easy. You only need to cite P3. Anything thereafter that follows as a “Revealed Teaching” is false.
Again, you have to go up the ladder towards an understanding of the nature of God.
You can’t analyze Revealed teachings unless you believe there is a divinely appointed Revealer capable of giving them. Otherwise, you’re not analyzing them for what they are.
Jew and Muslims criticize the teaching on the Trinity by comparing it with their own, believed to be, Revealed texts. That, at least, makes sense.
For you, you have to start with:
We are looking for the best, most reasonable explanation for …
The origin of what we know of matter, space, time energy. Call it the universe.
Or, beyond that, the origin of all contingent reality.
Possible answers:
- It has no origin and always existed
- It was created by a self-existing being