I am not aware even of one…
The reason I mention prominent atheists is that you have, at times, said things like “atheists believe … etc” - in other words, you tend to speak for atheists.
So, it’s good to know what prominent atheists think.
I’ve mentioned Alex Rosenberg who wrote a popular book called “The Atheist’s Guide to Reality”. He’s trying to speak for atheists. I’ve met dozens of atheists on-line who agree fully with Rosenberg’s views.
The fact that you don’t agree, is a good thing, as I see it. Although I’m surprised you’ve never encountered this. In fact, I think you said something like “nobody believes in scientism” - or something (excuse the paraphrase).
In any case, here’s Alex Rosenberg (and he says this sort of thing frerquently in papers and his book.
In this essay, he explains the difference between an optimistic naturalist (athiest, of course) and a disenchanted (pessimistic) one.
But the first premise is this:
- The physical facts fix all the facts
What is the world really like? It’s fermions and bosons, and everything that can be made up of them, and nothing that can’t be made up of them. All the facts about fermions and bosons determine or “fix” all the other facts about reality and what exists in this universe or any other if, as physics may end up showing, there are other ones. Another way of expressing this fact-fixing by physics is to say that all the other facts—the chemical, biological, psychological, social, economic, political, cultural facts supervene on the physical facts and are ultimately explained by them.
In a later point, he talks about emergence which is what the optimists use to blunt the reality of nihilism. But Rosenberg states:
None of these naturalists have a convincing explanation of how metaphysical emergence is possible …
The essay asks questions that it doesn’t answer.
His book basically lands on the side of pessimism - the nihilist view.
Edit: Just adding Richard Lewontin’s famous article reviewing Carl Sagan:
Science, as the only begetter of truth … Sagan’s argument is straightforward. We exist as material beings in a material world, all of whose phenomena are the consequences of physical relations among material entities.