Go on disability?

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First, talk to you doctor ASAP. Hopefully you’ve been relaying to your doctors how difficult it is to work due to your conditions, and it has been documented in your file. Even if not, tell your doctor that you think the time has come to go on disability, and why. I can’t imagine anyone disagreeing with you. Then contact Social Security to begin the process.

Do you have long-term disability insurance from your employer? You would have had to pay extra for this. If so, apply for this also. Some insurance will cover you in additon to Social Security, and others will deduct Social Security from what they pay you.

If you’re not already doing this, start to keep a health journal. Daily write down the medications that you’ve taken, how much pain you’re in, and what your level of functioning is. You can devise a shorthand for things so that you only have to jot down a few letters and it takes only a minute or two. This will help in case Social Security denies your claim and you have to appeal (sounds highly unlikely in your case). Once you qualify for disability, it will also help in case you need to requalify. Social Security routinely will contact you via mail every few years so you can update them on your condition.

Social Security will review all your medical records. Also they will contact in writing any friend or neighbor who’s name you’ve provided to verify your claim. Then Social Security will send you to a disability doctor and perhaps also to a psychologist. These doctors will exam you according to Social Security criteria. This is all a routine part of the application process.
Thankyou for the excellant suggestions. I started the health journal today. I recorderd the events of yesterday and will continue a daily journal. I’m going to call my cardiologist as well to give her a heads up, and proabaly my primary care physician as well. I’ll see my GI doctor on the 10th and discuss it with him I have friends and co-workers (including the store manager) who would certainly be familiar with my situation if SSI needed references.You have been a great help in getting me focused. Thank you and God Bless!
You have to consider if it is better to go on disability or try to work part time. What you make on disability will equal to what you earn part time. You are able to supplement your income and there are specified rules for that. I hope this helps. You are in my prayers.
What I’ve been working is part time. I haven’t worked full time in years. Only when my hubby was laid off 21/2 did I temporarily pick up near full time hours and it was just exhausting. I was so glad when they called him back to work 6 months later. I used to work four 5-6 hour days about 31/2 years ago. About a year ago I cut back to 3 and at this point all I’ll be able to manage (barely) is 2. When I come home from work I immediately take a nap, that last hour of my shift I am totally dragging. The cutting back was from being too tired. But now it’s the pain. Since being off in Novemeber the pain has improved alot but now I’m back to square one. I slept on a heating pad last night and I’m in alot of pain this morning.

Thank you for all the informative (name removed by moderator)ut. It sounds daunting-but at this point I think I’ve run out of options.
What I’ve been working is part time. I haven’t worked full time in years. Only when my hubby was laid off 21/2 did I temporarily pick up near full time hours and it was just exhausting. I was so glad when they called him back to work 6 months later. I used to work four 5-6 hour days about 31/2 years ago. About a year ago I cut back to 3 and at this point all I’ll be able to manage (barely) is 2. When I come home from work I immediately take a nap, that last hour of my shift I am totally dragging. The cutting back was from being too tired. But now it’s the pain. Since being off in Novemeber the pain has improved alot but now I’m back to square one. I slept on a heating pad last night and I’m in alot of pain this morning.

Thank you for all the informative (name removed by moderator)ut. It sounds daunting-but at this point I think I’ve run out of options.
How much do you make at your part time job? Do you gross more than $810 a month? They consider that “gainful” employment. If you make$810 or more, you will have to quit work totally. There is a 5 month waiting period also. If you make only a few hundred a month now you should go ahead and apply immediately. If you are making a substantial amount, you have to quit work, wait a few months and then apply. During the waiting period you will have to rely on savings (if you have any) and your husband’s income.
I know it sounds dauting. It is meant to be difficult and there is a high drop out rate. People start the process, realize the time and difficulty and drop the process. But if you can’t work and realize that you probably will not be able to work in the long run then what are your options? I highly recommend getting legal help such as Binder&Binder, they help folks get SSDI. You pay them only and when you are awarded.
hi rayne,

I read your post with interest because I have Crohns disease and applied for social security DBL back in July 2005 bc I had a stroke in March 2005 due to a blood clot & hemorrhage on my brain. It was the most terrifying thing I ever went through.

It is a very long process in dealing w/social security DBL. My case worker told me last wk. that since I’m not 55 (I’m 37)–she won’t be forwarding my paper work (all of my MDs including the hemotologist & neurologist suppport me in applying for DBL) anytime soon to their MDs for review & plans to keep my file for a yr. It doesn’t matter what I went through(Crohns flare ups, the stroke, the clot on my brain, I almost died if I didn’t see the MD when I did) but she’s basing it upon how I’m recovering. Bottom line, they don’t care what we crohnies go through when we are sick. They will deny our claim stating that we can work. I’m praying right now that she will have a change of heart or somebody else will take my case.

I was told by some memebers of the local CCFA chapter that they usually deny the first time around & that you need to get a lawyer & it will take a yr. or so before your case is heard.
Just don’t give up or give in to them. I will keep you in my prayers.

From one crohnie to another, I know what you are going through.

:blessyou: :

hi rayne,

I read your post with interest because I have Crohns disease and applied for social security DBL back in July 2005 bc I had a stroke in March 2005 due to a blood clot & hemorrhage on my brain. It was the most terrifying thing I ever went through.

It is a very long process in dealing w/social security DBL. My case worker told me last wk. that since I’m not 55 (I’m 37)–she won’t be forwarding my paper work (all of my MDs including the hemotologist & neurologist suppport me in applying for DBL) anytime soon to their MDs for review & plans to keep my file for a yr. It doesn’t matter what I went through(Crohns flare ups, the stroke, the clot on my brain, I almost died if I didn’t see the MD when I did) but she’s basing it upon how I’m recovering. Bottom line, they don’t care what we crohnies go through when we are sick. They will deny our claim stating that we can work. I’m praying right now that she will have a change of heart or somebody else will take my case.

I was told by some memebers of the local CCFA chapter that they usually deny the first time around & that you need to get a lawyer & it will take a yr. or so before your case is heard.
Just don’t give up or give in to them. I will keep you in my prayers.

From one crohnie to another, I know what you are going through.

:blessyou: :

Lisa, I’m very sorry for all your going through. It’s sad that somoeone that legitimately needs assistance can not get it. Your information has been very helpful to me. If it is difficult to get disability for crohn’s (since apparently they don’t that seriously :mad: ). I will persue disabilty due to my heart condition which will continue to deteriorate and has cause me to cut back my hours considerabley over the last 3 years. It will be leading to a heart transplant in the near future. Then, list my crohn’s as a secondary problem. If it takes such a long time by the time I get it, my heart problems may very well have advanced to the stage of not being able to work at all and it will save me an extra year of waiting.

I will pray for you situation and your health. God Bless!
hi rayne,

thanks for your response, you are so kind… Crohns was added recently to social security’s list of disabilities but any type of ailment is usually denied the first time around. I’ve heard of cancer pts. even being rejected the first time as well.

It really irks me that those of us who truly need help are treated like we are faking and those who don’t need it get it. I was told that the reason for denial most claims is becaused they need to weed out fraud…hello…my husband told me that one of his co-workers, his wife sprained her ankle and got permanent DBL for that. That was all that was wrong with her and she is perfectly healthy no other problems. That really made me mad.

So don’t be afraid to list your CD as a disability. Yes, they will tell you that you have “an abdominal problem” (they are ignorant that it’s a life long illness) I lost my colon to this disease (have an ileostomy since age 17), had 2 clots w/in 7 yrs. of each other in my right leg then had a greenfield filter put in to save my life. I’ve been in the ER for blockages, severe pain for flares, and had to have my gallbladder removed due to CD. Now I am told that I have a blood clotting disorder on top of it and if my CD flares, it makes me a higher risk since ppl w/IBD tend to throw clots b/c the inflammation affects the clotting mechanisms in the body.
I am so thankful for NFP. It’s safe and no pills to take!!

Some medications don’t work for everyone so don’t feel pressured by them that you need to take something else. They had the nerve to tell me that I needed to be on blood thinners for my blood clotting disorder (on top of the Crohns) even though my MDs stated in their paperwork that I almost bled to death in July from being on them and that is why I can’t take anything. They don’t care.

Oh, if your CD flares around that time of the month, I use a heating pad or a thermacare wrap for my back and move the warm part to my stomach to help ease the pain. If you have pain meds, take those too it helps & if your stomach is spasming, try an antispasmatic…anything to lighten the burden.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. I’m considered a vetran now & have assisted many ppl contemplating ostomy surgery or dealing w/flares.

Have a pain free night.

🙂 Lisa
hi rayne, I forgot to mention that when you start the process of applying for DBL make sure that you photocopy anything you have to fill out and send back to them. (there is ALOT of paperwork in the beginning). You will need to refer back to what you filled out when they send you more requests asking you why you can’t work.

One of my crohnie friends who got DBL after the 1st appeal told me that she did that and it really helped.
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