" Sincerity in mind and heart is the door toward divine thought and love. " And this is the key isn’t it? " Sincerity in mind and heart…, " which implies that we are conscious and that we can know objective truth, which implies that we can know that God is an objective object of knowledge, that we can know he actually exists. But we have to be sincere, otherwise our whole life is nothing but " mumbo jumbo. " So we start with the facts of history. God has revealed himself in three ways. First he reveales himself in the works he has created, in nature. Through them we know that he is an objective reality, a real living being. But this revelation is very obscure and hidden. Secondly, he reaveled himself in the history of the Israelites, through the Fathers, Abraham, Moses, Jacob, Isacc, and Joseph, and King David, and the Prophets by speaking to their minds. And lastly he put on flesh and revealed himself in the Person of his Son.
So we know from nature, from the history of the Israelites, and from his Son that God is an objective reality. So if anyone should appear claiming to be God you would know immediately that he was not, that he was a devil. But God has also appeared to some men and some women since the beginning of his Church. But such appearances are revelations to the mind, and about this you would have no mistake because devils do not have this power. St. Paul had such a revelation. And God has appeared to the minds of many of his saints. And he has sent his Mother to speak to men, and has done so for hundreds of years. So we know God is an objective reality. But if we reject the ways of knowing, being led astray by the mutterings of foolish, vain men, men devoted to the flesh and the world and all its vanities, then we will never " see " him.
The time is short, do not delay.