God created evil

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So if God knows we are going to sin, He gives us, as you said, the opportunity for redemption. If we make a free will choice to commit sin, then we can make a free will choice to accept God’s redemption. But…

So we’re back where we started. God has to take some responsibility for the sins we do, yet in some cases where the person ends up in hell, there is no way for Him to do it.

He creates people knowing that they will commit evil, knowing that people will suffer and knowing that the sinner will spend eternity in hell. We’re back to the chainsaw example. We appreciate that the person who knows in advance that what he is creating will be used for evil must bear some responsibility.

Strangely enough, the person in this case has an option to forgive the one committing the evil act. The people who are sinned against have that option as well. The father of the massacred family can tell the murderer that he forgives him. We all can. Except that God can’t…

God cannot forgive Him because he is already in Hell. He cannot offer forgiveness to all those he has created who are in hell. We have reached a point where we have discovered that there is something God cannot do.
If you share your power unreservedly why change your mind just because the other person rejects you? It would mean you are insincere, insecure and inconsistent…
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