Sorry for coming in a bit late in this debate. And i apologise to those posters who have already done a good job of refutation. And finally sorry to “Mega-Therion” for using you as my intellectual experiment, but it is you who must be my first victim. I must say my bit.
The Christian postulates a creator who is conveniently eternal (and thus requires no explanation for his existence).
There is no convenience about it at all. It is a completely valid logical inference based on the evidence.
If time space and matter, began to exist, the only logical explanation that one can employ, is a non-physical, space-less timeless, personal and wholly perfect being. Otherwise you have given no explanation at all.
The only way to refute the argument is by presenting scientific empirical evidence which refutes the Big Bang as showing an absolute beginning. And even then, an actually infinite series of past events seems to me to be a huge whopper of a fantasy, that is employed for the sole purpose of avoiding the obvious. Not only does it seem to me logically absurd in terms of numbers(
There is no such thing as an actually infinte number or quantity of something), but and infinite serious of events doesn’t sufficiently explain the universe, certainly not in so far as why anything should exist at all rather then nothing. Only a necessary being can explain it; and a necessary being has to be by its own nature outside of time/eternal (since it is necessary) and it must have various attributes in order to explain itself and give rise to potential beings with qualities and natures. Hence the argument for Gods existence according to Gods attributes.
The infinite serious argument only gives a very shallow answer which avoids an ultimate explanation for why there is a Universe at all. It merely multiplies the problem of existence infinitely hoping that it will keep God out of the picture, rather then ultimately explaining it. This is anathema to good logic. I also think it is anathema to science as well, since the spirit of science works on the principle that there is a reasonable explanation to everything.
Many atheists would suggest that the universe might be eternal (i.e. whatever existed before the Big Bang might have always existed).
Something certainly existed, but it could not have been time space or energy if we are claiming that space and time at some point had a beginning. Such a cause, would have to transcend all aspects of physical reality.
But the real answer is that nobody knows. Those making a definite claim about origins (a god did it!) need to justify that claim with evidence.
Depends on what theory of knowledge you employ. Logically speaking, I would say that the best possible explanation of existence is a space-less, timeless, personal being that is by its very own nature perfect and necessary.
Claims made without evidence can be rejected without evidence.
So we can throw out the concept of an infinite series of temporal events; since you can never infer it logically or prove it empirically from a finite perspective. Cool
A beginning to all temporal events infers a transcendent and perfect being. Therefore, God exist.