The mercy for all mankind, is in offering healing for the guilty. If the healing is refused, then, go to Hell as chosen.Its not that I agree with what I wrote. It just seems that way. I count myself a Catholic, and I try to keep in touch with God and the Church, but I do acknowledge that there are parts of God that seem quite problematic and difficult to accept.
I just feel a bit exasperated that there are people out there who can serenley say God as presented by the Church, makes perfect sense, and at any level is not hard to… take in.
I seem to recall somewhere Tim Staples, a noted Catholic apologist stated that Hell in a funny way is a mercy, since it isn’t nearly the punishment that even one mortal sin deserves. That line of thinking definitley seems to be an interpretation. Why even stop at mortal? According to the protestants, Hell is the just wages of *any * sin, whether mortal or venial.
Also, if that is mercy, I would love to know what the “just punishment is.”
If anyone is familiar with Game of Thrones, this whole “Hell as a mercy” business reminds me somewhat of the sort of things Ramsay Bolton, said to his captive Theon Greyjoy. Ramsay basically captured Theon and tortured him horribly, slowly flaying his fingers before cutting them off, starving him and knocking his teeth out.
He told Theon how merciful he was, that he could easily have skinned Theon’s face off or ripped his tongue out for the things he said. Ramsay showed mercy to Theon by only removing a few toes, when he could easily have removed both feet.
The secondary (temporal) effects of sins may be reduced through penance and indulgences for those with no guilt: this is mercy for the faithful.