Its not really mutually exclusive.
God is the reason for religion.
Religion is not always unreasonable
The Catholic faith is never unreasonable. It is the fullness of Truth and reveals the Word of God, true wisdom.
though on many cases it has beliefs that can be quite irrational.
Beliefs that seem irrational because they are super rational and are discerned only by a Spiritual person. That is, a person steeped in the Spirit of God.
%between%Colossians 1
9 Therefore we also, from the day that we heard it, cease not to pray for you, and to beg that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will, in all wisdom, and spiritual understanding:
I’m sure everyone would agree that each one of us possess the gift of reasoning.
I would.
But since everyone disagrees
Not everyone.
on which religion is true, then its safe to say that God didnt really give a religion to everyone.
False logic. God gave everyone the true faith, but Adam and Eve failed to pass it on successfully. That is why Cain killed Abel.
So God only gave us a talent for figuring things out,
Nope. God gave Adam and Eve the talent for worship. In fact, they were united to God in such a way that their state of being is called Original Holiness and Justice. It is only one step away from being in the Beatific Vision, otherwise known as Heaven. It is such a wonderful situation that it is likened to a Garden and to Paradise.
If you understand our Faith, you know that Adam or “the Man” was given the task or the work of tilling and keeping the Garden. This tilling and keeping of the Garden, is the same task which Priests have in the Temple of God. And therefore, the Liturgy, the Work of Man, is to worship God.
In other words, your reason for being is to worship God.
not a system of instructions that already figured things out. Religion is merely a personal point of view. Not a fact for everyone.
No, religion is our reason for being. Your reasoning ability is for you to discern which is the True Religion which God established on this earth.
De Maria