Yeah,… I think we do agree in spirit, though we might have different meanings in terms.I think we are saying the same thing…just differently. To your arguement ; “Religion” as the drive towards God, I disagree that it is religion. I belive it is a infinite Desire to know truth, which is of course God, as the drive. I think we do agree though that man has a certain “drive” to know God. Religion, I think, is the text to find the truth i.e. God.
“Religion” to me is just wanting to fill the God-shaped hole in us.
“A Religion” is the dogmatic constitution of a community.
I suppose I COULD argue with that by saying that since Christ is the 2nd person of God, and since the angels and all “creatures” (creations) job was to adore that which BROUGHT FORTH the creation (which would be Jesus as “the Word”), was indeed “worshiping Christ Jesus” (before He was “Christ-ed” in history), which could be termed as them being CHRISTIAN…!As far as the angels having a religion. I don’t know…religion,to me is a concept only needed after the Fall. Adam and Eve and the angels,before the Fall,needed no term Christianity…as a religion.
…but I’m not gonna do that.

Yeah,… if you’re in agreement with the Magisterium, we’re pretty much on the same page.Nor even the term Judaism. They were simply existing with God as Creator and created.
But I think were basically on the same page
Now,… I don’t really know how “compliant” with the Magisterium you actually are, so I could be wrong, but I’m feeling particularly agreeable today, as I’ve had too many warnings to “be nice!” recently, so I’ll call us brethren in the matter…!

Aloha nui 'oe…!