… your usage of the word “faith” is inapplicable. Axioms are the basic building blocks of everything, they cannot be “proven” by deducting them from even more “basic” concepts - because there are none.
The word “faith” is usually used to accept something that cannot be fully proven. But that does not apply to axioms, only the derivatives of axioms.
Everything is from God’s Words. He created by saying so. “Let there be…” This includes the creation of the Laws of Nature that we are yet to discover and marvel. There is nothing more “basic” than this. God is what HE IS (He said it himself “I AM WHO AM”) – nothing more basic, none.
Read again. Sounds like the same to me. Only that the word “faith” doesn’t appeal much to most people (would “trust”, “belief”, “confidence”, “conviction”, “optimism”, “hopefulness”, etc. be familiar and better but the same?). So how would we accept the idea that “axioms are basic building blocks of everything” and “there are none.” Aren’t these assumptions that are taken/accepted to be true without any further question (“confidence”, “trust”, “belief”)? That is exactly the meaning of “faith.”
The **principles **we use in the natural sciences are similar, though not identical. They cannot be fully proven either, but they are always subject to modification if they are found incorrect. Still, they seem to be self-evident, and will only be modified if some very strong evidence comes along that there is a problem with them. Millions and billions of experiments seem to support them, but that is still not “proof” in the stricktest sense of the word.
Rightly. However, in the Catholic Faith, truths are revealed then expounded not discovered. Truths revealed in the Faith is not subject to modification because they are not of human origin. Human imagination only expounds these Truths as long as these expositions (details) are within the revealed Truths. There lies the difference. Science claims “[principles] seem to be self-evident” as a “proof” of high probability (not certainty) of being part of the Truth (about Nature). According to the Catholic Faith, we believe on something “as revealed.” Surprisingly, these “revealed Things” are not of this Nature so as not in negation, but enhancing, “discoveries” of Nature as a created “world”.
I require similar certainty of the claims of the supernatural. Not more, but not less either. Let’s use the same measuring sticks. Not a big or unreasonable requirement, is it?
This is exactly our claim here. Isn’t it obvious that we are being bias against the Faith when “axioms” are held true without requirement of proof while requiring even “harder” proofs for the “axioms” of the Faith? Aren’t “fields,” “energy,” and many others but mental conceptions of their “consequences” as observed? Don’t these in any way “supernatural” in a way that they are equally creations of the human imaginations based on experience (or accounts thereof)?
As for the Catholic Faith, the existence of God were not just argued using Reason (St. Augustine + St. Aquinas + other Church Doctors) but also accounted by the experiences of our fellow human beings (Abraham, Moses, the Jewish race, the Apostles of Christ, the early Christians, and so on) stretched over two thousand years? What proof do we still need/require? What “similar certainty” do we still need?
For Science, the existence of first principles and axioms are proven using the objective observations (as accounted by our fellow human beings labeled “scientists” and “researchers”) and the so-far “consistent” deductive arguments* about them. Not to mention to be stretched a little less than 500 years**. Why are we not using “the same measuring sticks” by granting an almost certain probability value to the claims of Science?
Both Science (“natural sciences”) and Faith (the Catholic Faith) are therefore along two separate roads leading towards the same Aim: full understanding of this Universe. Faith starts from the Ultimate Principle (revealed Truth) towards the details based on Reason (and Science); Science observes the details and by trial-and-error “hopes” to find the “self-consistent” principles (and eventually to the same Ultimate Principle) based on Reason.
However, Science has not yet realized that he is just approximating the very the same thing that Faith claims to be true (great “whys” of the Universe). Note that Faith does not argue against the great “hows” currently “approximated” by Science. As a person of Science, i am greatly saddened by the fact that it seems Science tries to escape from a reality that he is limited by the human Intelligence that can never ever fully imagine (only “approximate”) the true God. Note that the Catholic Church never claimed to have fully understood God*** and will never do so. For her (the Church) current revelations are the best (and needed) understanding of God necessary to move towards Man’s ultimate end/purpose.
A meaningful Eastertide to you my friend!
- Being consistent here is actually expected because of the consistent first principles. Quite not a “proof” to me. Mathematical truths rely on the consistency of axioms as exemplified by differences in truths of Euclidian and Reimann geometries.
**I’m assuming the start of Scientific revolution around 1500s when observations started to become an important part of Science’s development (Galileo as the “father” of Experimental Science).
***To illustrate: The concept of Trinity is still and will ever be called a “mystery.”