I have heard that Anselm, Aquinas ,Augustine and Tillich all said that “God is Being itself”. I cannot find that quote in any of them. Can anyone show me where that is quoted from?
Yep. That’s what God was trying to tell Moses when he said, “I AM. You will tell them I AM has sent you.”I have heard that Anselm, Aquinas ,Augustine and Tillich all said that “God is Being itself”…
newadvent.org/summa/1003.htm#article4I have heard that Anselm, Aquinas ,Augustine and Tillich all said that “God is Being itself”. I cannot find that quote in any of them. Can anyone show me where that is quoted from?
If existence = essence of existence then all that is should be existence itself i.e., you, me are existence himself, i.e., God. existence != essence of existence,newadvent.org/summa/1003.htm#article4
Article 4 I answer that, God is not only His own essence, as shown in the preceding article, but also His own existence. This may be shown in several ways.
First, whatever a thing has besides its essence must be caused either by the constituent principles of that essence (like a property that necessarily accompanies the species–as the faculty of laughing is proper to a man–and is caused by the constituent principles of the species), or by some exterior agent–as heat is caused in water by fire. Therefore, if the existence of a thing differs from its essence, this existence must be caused either by some exterior agent or by its essential principles. Now it is impossible for a thing’s existence to be caused by its essential constituent principles, for nothing can be the sufficient cause of its own existence, if its existence is caused. Therefore that thing, whose existence differs from its essence, must have its existence caused by another. But this cannot be true of God; because we call God the first efficient cause. Therefore it is impossible that in God His existence should differ from His essence.
An odd note. St Thomas and St Bonaventure were contemporaries and received their Doctorates the same day, Oct,23rd, 1227 at the University of Paris and both died relatively young within a couple of years from each other.
Your excerpt supposes that no existence is prior, logically, to its essence. This is true of all save the Father. He is the father of all concepts, even of the Logos, the realm of the conceptual. This is why those doing mathematics or logic find so much perfection therein, as if it was begotten of some supramundane being.Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: for my Father is greater than I. (John 14.28)
But his creation has no existence of its own apart from God.It should be clarified, however, that St. Thomas et al do not mean it in a Monistic sense. God is his own existence, distinct from his Creation.
You are reading too much into the article. Its purpose was merely to show that God is Pure Existence, it was not meant to discuss or demonstrate anything else. However, the fact that God is Pure Existence does not imply that creatures are simply existence. In other places of his Corpus, Thomas explains that while God is Pure Existence, creatures are beings which have existence. Thus, creatures are composits of essence and existence, while God is simply Existence.If existence = essence of existence then all that is should be existence itself i.e., you, me are existence himself, i.e., God. existence != essence of existence,
Again, you are reading too much in the article. It has only one point to establish, that God is Pure Existence. But as a matter of fact Thomas demonstrates in other places that, for creatures, essence and existence come into existence all at once through God’s creative act.Your excerpt supposes that no existence is prior, logically, to its essence. This is true of all save the Father. He is the father of all concepts, even of the Logos, the realm of the conceptual. This is why those doing mathematics or logic find so much perfection therein, as if it was begotten of some supramundane being.
Your pharse the " essence of existence " is inaccurate and misleading. Existence per se has no essence except when referring to God, whose essence is existence. In creatures there is no essence which simply exists. Rather each creature has an act of existence, which causes a creature to be an existing being or substance.Plus, the Father is in the Son because existence is in the essence of existence, God being the necessary being. The Son is in the Father because the Son is in God’s mind, or rather Wisdom, being His self-knowledge, His introspection.
Where are you getting the phrase " the essence of existence? " Existence has no essence. And " existence " alone is not real except in the case of God who is Existence.It is provable that God is existence himself. It is provable that the essence of existence is not = to existence. It is provable that the essence of existence is the Logos.
Some one you don’t like is crashing the party!Where are you getting the phrase " the essence of existence? " Existence has no essence. And " existence " alone is not real except in the case of God who is Existence.
Aquinas does state that God’s essence is identical with his esse; which means he is the act of existing itself, and is not simply participating in existence.I have heard that Anselm, Aquinas ,Augustine and Tillich all said that “God is Being itself”. I cannot find that quote in any of them. Can anyone show me where that is quoted from?
Don’t persons *have *being? Or are they illusions?I’ve always struggled make sense of the concept. When I think of being qua being, the last thing I think of is something that has personal qualities like knowledge or love.
After all, it’s not being that knows or loves, it’s things that have being.
Hate to crash your party Linux but I think most people would take Thomas’ opinion over yours any day. Thomas says,Aquinas does state that God’s essence is identical with his esse; which means he is the act of existing itself, and is not simply participating in existence.
If this is true, then it would mean that the act of existence is God’s nature, which explains his necessity.
Also God is the fullness of existence, which means God by himself is the very antithesis of nothing, he is the very meaning of existence itself.
He lacks no existence, which means he is not in potentiality to more existence, and therefore everything that is necessarily true of the act of existence is identical to God.
Thus if God creates something, it cannot mean that he creating another “act of existence”, since that would mean he is not the fullness of reality given that there is an act of existence that is not his own; as a result he would be in potentiality to more existence which is a contradiction.
Also that which is synonymous to the act of existence would exists necessarily and so it is incoherent for God to create an act of existence. Therefore creatures, in-order to be real, have to participate in Gods existence, because they cannot by logical necessity have their own act of existence.
If creatures have an act of existence, their nature is either identical to the act of existence and therefore its their nature to exist (making them God, which is impossible), or the act by which they are real is not identical to their nature and therefore the act by which they are real is a distinct nature of its own. Since such a nature is the act of existence it would exist necessarily and would be God.
If “existence has no essence” then absence of essence is a property of existence. But whence the properties of a thing? Is it not from its essence?Where are you getting the phrase " the essence of existence? " Existence has no essence. And " existence " alone is not real except in the case of God who is Existence.
Existence is the Father, the essence of existence is His Son. Existence is an object i.e., the Rock while the essence of existence is a concept. Therefore the Father is not = to the Son for a concept is not an object.Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? (John 14.10)
Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: for my Father is greater than I. (John 14.28)
That’s what I meanDon’t persons *have *being? Or are they illusions?![]()
There is no such thing as " essence of existence. " Where are you getting this. If it is something you made up, you should try to find another way of expressing what you are trying to say. Because what you have said makes not sense.It is provable that God is existence himself. It is provable that the essence of existence is not = to existence. It is provable that the essence of existence is the Logos.