The absence of something is not a property. Indeed, the properties of a being comes from its essence. But in created beings essence is distinct from their acts of existence. The act of existence makes an essence a really existing being. Existence in created beings has no properties other than to cause a being to exist.If “existence has no essence” then absence of essence is a property of existence. But whence the properties of a thing? Is it not from its essence?
Are you Linux in disguise, his doppelganger perhaps? If you are limiting your questions to God, you should say so at the outset. Even where God is concerned, the phraseExistence’s introspection begot His self-knowledge. This self-knowledge of existence is the essence of existence. This self-knowledge is a concept, literally the son of God for, after all, what does concept mean? Existence is an object.
" essence of existence " is completely incoherent. God the Son is indeed the Father’s self - knowledge. Why are you talking about " concept " now. There are three Persons in God, they have the same nature, they differ as Persons. They are one in existence because they have one nature. This is an article of Faith, it is not something which can be proven or disproven. Why don’t you settle on one topic!!!
Absolute nonesense, God is One, Perfect, having no potential to be more or less. There is no before with God. He has no separate essence. His existence is his essence. Yes, he is the one absolutely necessary bing, Thomas calls him Purus Esse Subsistens. Perfectly Subsistent Being ( Existence ). Your last sentence is absolute nonesense.Existence precedes, logically, His essence, being the father of it. It follows that existence is in the essence of existence. God is the necessary being. But the essence of existence is in the existence itself because existence begot it in His wisdom.
Now I know you are Linux. There is only one person in the world who could be so far off base. What you say here is absolute nonesense. Where in the world are you getting it???Existence is the Father, the essence of existence is His Son. Existence is an object i.e., the Rock while the essence of existence is a concept. Therefore the Father is not = to the Son for a concept is not an object.
I know, you and Linux must be going to the same strange church, some offbeat cult.