God is not indifferent to anything, but intimately knowing everything and each individual thing eternally in one knowing.
Our job is to join him in a specific knowing, so that we experience his intimate concern - we only know one thing at a time, and can join God in a single point of his knowing, even though he is always knowing all.
You join God in a specific knowing by calling to his mind and yours a specific point of his knowing, such as Abraham’s servant called God to remember his knowing of Abraham, in which knowing there was favor and blessing: (from Genesis 24):** "12 And he said, “O LORD, God of my master Abraham, please grant me success today and show steadfast love to my master Abraham. "**
When God hears this prayer, both you and he are now focused on Abraham, and God loves Abraham in his knowing, and as the servant asks, God is going to now show steadfast love to Abraham in this specific knowing that he and the servant are participating in, and grant success to the servant, whose master is Abraham, and God loves Abraham in his knowing.
If the servant joined God in knowing some other knowing of God, “God who punished the people of Babel, hear me…” he would have joined God in a knowing of wrath, and that knowing is not a pleasant place.
Where do you join God when you pray? Prayer is ascension into God, into an individual knowing of God. He does not change in any of his knowing, but you can change, choose, where in his knowing you meet him.