I know that nothing happens without God willing it, some refer to His permissive will especially in cases of sin. I also know by experience that there is no such things as pure coincidence, for all happenings are permitted by God. What appears to be coincidence is due to our ignorance of His operations. in all things. Nothing just happens. There isn’t one place in the universe that God isn’t actively present. God’s will is for all men to be united to Him, that’s why He created them, His eternal love for His creation. I have no doubt that God works through all religions that truly seek Him. I truly found Him to my satisfaction in the Christian Catholic Faith. I experienced a lot of what I call Holy Coincidences, (works of the Holy Spirit) I experienced God communicating with me in events in my life that confirmed my Christian beliefs I also experienced the reality of the devil, and how he deceives. I experienced the presence of an angel in the form of a young man. I am convinced of these truths that I don’t need anyone’s approval or acceptance of my statements. I have made an open presentation of my experiences to a Bishop, and priests, and lay people. I have experienced that the Catholic Church is the one founded by Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and redeemer of mankind from the works of Satan. not only by word, but by the power of the Holy Spirit who confirms the Word, Jesus. And I can’t deny what I have experienced even if I tried. This experience imposes a responsibility upon me, one that I must witness to for the salvation of men so they too can experience the reality of Jesus, God-man. All the reason in the world couldn’t supply this experience, even though I f ound it to be consistent with reason, I realize it is a gift of grace merited for us by Jesus Christ, available to all if they are humble enough to ask for it.