God "talking" to you

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I’ve been wondering for a while whether or not I should get out of the Military Reserves. I’m engaged, preparing the foundations for a family, etc. In discerning whether or not to get out, I’ve gone to pray in front of the Blessed Sacrament. I’ve asked God several times whether or not to get out of the service. Every single time I’ve done this (I’ve gone I think 3 times) I’ve received a “tickle” so-to-speak in my head to stay in the service.

The question is: How do I know it’s God saying this and not my imagination or something else?

Thanks in advance for your replies.
I’ve been wondering for a while whether or not I should get out of the Military Reserves. I’m engaged, preparing the foundations for a family, etc. In discerning whether or not to get out, I’ve gone to pray in front of the Blessed Sacrament. I’ve asked God several times whether or not to get out of the service. Every single time I’ve done this (I’ve gone I think 3 times) I’ve received a “tickle” so-to-speak in my head to stay in the service.

The question is: How do I know it’s God saying this and not my imagination or something else?

Thanks in advance for your replies.
I would suggest continuing to spend time in adoration, talking with your priest, and talking with your fiance and family. Most of us don’t get that big booming voice telling us what to do, so asking for the counsel of those close to us is wise – sometimes God “speaks” to us through them too, you know? 🙂

Offering a prayer that you will be able to discern the correct path :crossrc:
Sounds like good advice. Especially tell Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament of this situation, as well.
I said a prayer for you, and regardless if you stay…Thank You for your service!!
Hi John. I think you’re doing the right thing, in bringing your discernment before Our Lord… in the Blessed Sacrament. Keep at it. He will help you.

I can relate to your concern, so well. It’s sometimes very difficult to discern what His Will is… for us. I have been bringing my own personal situation before Our Lord, for a number of months now. I wasn’t sure what to do… in regards to my job of 8 years. I am alone with the care of an elderly parent… and all the signs were pointing towards Our Lord’s Will being that I quit my job, to care for my mother.

I have to tell you, I “fought” it for a long, long time. I was (and continue to be)… very frightened about making this change. But I finally made the decision to follow the “feeling” that it WAS His Will for me to quit my job… and care for my mom. I trust in Him… that He will care for our needs.

I’ve heard a good way to help you discern is this… if you feel the decision will lead you closer to God… then it is probably His Will. If you feel it will lead you away from God, it may not be His Will. In my own circumstances… the decision is leading us to a closer relationship with Our Lord. And so, I believe it to be His Will.

Hope this helps, a little. You’re in my prayers. 🙂
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