I will ask again and ask him what god exactly said to him because I’m sure that god will never break a happy relationship and will help us
You can try, but I think he’s taking the coward’s way out and blaming “God” rather than taking responsibility for things he’s found. He broke up with you. You would be unwise to do anything but stay broken up with a man who is immature enough to blame God without any other reasoning…even if he comes up with a good reason at a later time.I will ask again and ask him what god exactly said to him because I’m sure that god will never break a happy relationship and will help us
I’m sorry, I’m not going to join in the chorus of people calling your boyfriend crazy or saying that you’ve dodged a bullet somehow. Instead, I’m going to focus on what is incorrect in the last part of your statement (that God would never break a “happy” relationship).I will ask again and ask him what god exactly said to him because I’m sure that god will never break a happy relationship and will help us
The implicit question I think we’re all asking is: how did God tell him this? Did he hear a voice? Did he feel, in his heart, that this is what God wants him to do?This is what happened,So he asked god what thing he needs to do to get closer to god and move forward and god told him to step away
Don’t torture yourself with this question. It’s not worth asking, and there’s never going to be an answer.,so was I a distraction?
Like you said, if you don’t even know what “move forward” means, how could you hope to know what will happen after “moving forward”?After do you think we can get back?
No, we can’t explain it. Since he’s the one who said it, then he needs to explain to you what he means by it.I’m not sure what he means by move forward though? Would you be able to explain
Rose, I don’t think anyone here can answer most of these questions. You know whether your relationship was working towards God or being a distraction. Only you can answer questions about if your relationship was about trying to gain temporal pleasure from each other or assisting each other towards salvation. I mean, this is not to say that EVERY aspect of a relationship needs to be about church and God, but if a relationship ONLY serves the purpose of self-gratification, then it is a really hollow one. None of us knows you or your relationship well enough to make that call. You do. And your ex-boyfriend does. Both of you have that call to make.This is what happened,So he asked god what thing he needs to do to get closer to god and move forward and god told him to step away, so was I a distraction? After do you think we can get back?
We are quite young to talk about marriage right now but this could be the case. I’m not sure what he means by move forward though? Would you be able to explain
This is an incredibly uncharitable approach to the young man in question (though you’re not alone, a lot of people have decided that the young boy is either a coward, a liar, or both).Without knowing more details I would wager that he’s making an excuse and lying about his true intentions.
It’s an easy way out without hurting you. It’s kind of like saying “listen, it’s not you but its me.”