Kevan said:“Some o’ you came here tonight intending to REAP a MIRACLE.”
Then he held the mike close to his mouth, narrowed his eyebrows, and pointed forcefully at at the listeners as he intoned “I’m here to tell ya, you gonna have to sow some SEED!”
All I could think of was the sign at the gas station, “Pay Before You Pump.”
Amen, brother. When I was home nursing a back injury two weeks ago, my daughter and I got a kick out of watching the daytime preachers. The greatest of them all is Robert Tilton.
Ol’d Bobby was havin’ hisself a good day last Thursday. He starts each show with a short bible verse, and then he starts a pontificatin’ about getting your success in life.
But to get started in this amazing grace of getting the good stuff, you need to make a Vow of Faith. He then shows a five-minute video of a person who made a Vow of Faith, and how that Vow of Faith changed his/her life and God gave them something (usually money, job, a new house).
He then comes back on and starts prophesying (or is it profit-seeing?). He squints his eyes real tight and then he’ll say something like “There’s a teacher out there, you’re disatisfied with your job, you’re not making enough money, you need to make a Vow of Faith right now, for $1,000, and you will see your life change for the better! … Yes, and there’s a housewife out there… yes, yes, YOU, I *know * you’re listening to me. You need to make a Vow of Faith right now, and you need to *pay * on that vow, and you *WILL * get that big house. Praise God! God always delivers on his promises to you.”
At the pleading of my daughter I called his “Vow of Faith” telephone line to ask him “I’m a Catholic, can I make my Vow of Faith to a Catholic Church instead of Robert Tilton ministries?” However, there are no live oeprators - the telephone gets answered by a computer!
Gee, if I’m going to fork over $1,000 or more I want to talk to a human being!