I struggled with this and still do. Ultimately I come down to the “God is God and I am not” perspective, but want some help. In a nutshell: I read the summa on God’s free will and it still seems like a contradiction (but, then again, what is eternity a and God’s nature really like…). The issue is this: God is free absolutely from any constraint in His will, He wills the Good in Himself eternally and absolutely perfectly, without change. We exist, so He wills us, and again His will to do so was from all eternity and did not change. Yet, how is He free to do so in this, since His will did not change. The analogies fail for me on the idea of supposition, for we are talking about God. Can someone grant me some greater (if there is any) insight here? I believe the faith, as I know I have free will and the world would not have any evil w/o free will or defect, nor would time and space or anything else like change exist if God created out of forced necessity, which our reality does. I just need to know that there is no contradiction here.