Not silly at all.
During an individually guided retreat (IGR), you will meet with a spiritual guide (director) on a regular basis, usually once a day, to discuss your retreat experience and perhaps obtain suggestions for the following day(s). These sessions can vary in length; at St. Beuno’s they last up to a half hour and take place daily, although adjustments can be made according to need. The first time I was there, my guide understood pretty quickly that I might require two sessions for at least a few days, as well as the involvement of a priest. While neither ended up being necessary, it was nice to know that such accommodations were possible.
Group retreats are led by one or more people around a central topic. The times between group sessions may be passed individually or as a group, silent or not. There might be individual or group work pertaining to the theme of the retreat to accomplish between sessions, or there may not.
Unguided retreats provide no spiritual accompaniment. You decide how to use your time. The place I normally go for my unguided silent retreats does, however, make someone available to me in case something comes up in my prayers and meditations that I’d like to bounce off another person.