Is this wrong? They seem to be pretty unopen to the Church. I feel like I should at least try, what do you say?
Which forums are you talking about?Is this wrong?
Can you contest this ban ? What is the reason they give for the ban?they often ban me from their topic.
Can’t you start your own /theism thread, /firstcause thread or /agnosticismiswrong thread on reddit?We have no say? They can just spread lies, but we can’t speak out?
This is the Internet. Anybody can start a blog or a forum or whatever they like.But they have a section devoted to Catholicism. We have no say? They can just spread lies, but we can’t speak out?
Its sort of a private conversation, people do talk about others without necessarily inviting the subjects of the conversation to chime in.Yep. We’re banned from the conversation, even though they are discussing our theology.
It’s not the same thing, in this case. What the OP is talking about is going to a site to correct mis-information about what we actually believe, and provide a cogent explanation for why we believe what we believe…to people who disagree with what they think we believe…even though we don’t believe what they think. (Or, they disagree with what we really believe because they think it is contrary to the Scriptures we use in common…so we show them why our beliefs are not contrary to the same Scriptures we have in common, etc.)It would be a bit like me, an agnostic, coming onto CAF and trying to convince people Catholicism was wrong. Not very respectful, to say the absolute least.