Going on anti Catholic forums to debate?

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Is this wrong? They seem to be pretty unopen to the Church. I feel like I should at least try, what do you say?
I don’t think it would be wrong but I also don’t think it would produce any positive results.

It would be a bit like me, an agnostic, coming onto CAF and trying to convince people Catholicism was wrong. Not very respectful, to say the absolute least.
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I tried it once, and found myself right up against a brick wall, at a considerable disadvantage. Inadvisable. They just bait you and gang up on you. Best to just use the face-to-face option in the real world, when the opportunity arises, but they have to ask you.
I subscibed to the /atheism thread in reddit. So many topics come up which are easily rebutled but they often ban me from their topic. Never am I impolite or aggressive, so there’s only one reason they’d ban me, they know I’m right.

It becomes pointless IMO. But there was a slither of hope that I’m planting seeds in the atheists who are open minded.
Chris the admin just kept saying “harlot” “antichrist” “false gospel” etc. Then closed the thread.
They also have under their rules no spreading these doctrines. list of hundreds of doctrines/theologies including Catholic.

But they have a section devoted to Catholicism. We have no say? They can just spread lies, but we can’t speak out?
Nope. It’s only from the topic. Not sure how it works but each thread has it’s own set of rules.
Yep. We’re banned from the conversation, even though they are discussing our theology.
We have no say? They can just spread lies, but we can’t speak out?
Can’t you start your own /theism thread, /firstcause thread or /agnosticismiswrong thread on reddit?
Some time ago I was at some kind of a thread run by former Baptists, and they did call me a lot of names, and said that i was going to hell, but they did not ban me. After a while, i got tired of the name calling and left the site.
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Happy cake day! And he seems to be pretty knowledgeable about canon law but if you give a biblical support they attack you. He was attacking confession, I posted John 20, 21-23 but he said it only applies to the disciples or at least true believers. I asked about Judas. His response. “Hell! Harlot! Babylon! True Gospel! Gyahh!” Lets pray for these people
Thanks :). Ah…possibly one of those people who’s done a lot of research on Canon Law assuming that Catholics only rely on Canon Law apart from Sacred Scripture and the deposit of faith. He also seems fundamentalist in his viewpoint (cherry-picking scripture passages without reflection).
But they have a section devoted to Catholicism. We have no say? They can just spread lies, but we can’t speak out?
This is the Internet. Anybody can start a blog or a forum or whatever they like.

Start the forum you want to see.
As Jesus told his disciples, shake the dust from your feet and move on to the next town. (Matthew 10:14)
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There’s nothing wrong with visiting such sites to provide facts, plant seeds, and attempt to correct wrong information about our faith. But you also have to know when to say “enough”, and move on.
Yep. We’re banned from the conversation, even though they are discussing our theology.
Its sort of a private conversation, people do talk about others without necessarily inviting the subjects of the conversation to chime in.

They do that in real time, as well as on the internet.

Nothing very shocking or offensive
It would be a bit like me, an agnostic, coming onto CAF and trying to convince people Catholicism was wrong. Not very respectful, to say the absolute least.
It’s not the same thing, in this case. What the OP is talking about is going to a site to correct mis-information about what we actually believe, and provide a cogent explanation for why we believe what we believe…to people who disagree with what they think we believe…even though we don’t believe what they think. (Or, they disagree with what we really believe because they think it is contrary to the Scriptures we use in common…so we show them why our beliefs are not contrary to the same Scriptures we have in common, etc.)
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