Going on anti Catholic forums to debate?

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They can just spread lies, but we can’t speak out?
Basically, yeah. It’s their forum. They can ban whoever they want for any reason.

You’re not going to convince people like that, and the Internet is probably not the best place to try.
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Christ never told us to go win souls through debate.

He told us to do good works and love one another.
The only way you are going to have any success with that is if you get them to like you first.

If you just show up out of the blue and spam them with Catholic apologetics talking points, they are going to tune you out. No one will listen to a single thing you say. It doesn’t matter if you are “right” or not.

Back when I first joined CAF, I also spent some time on a small, KJV-only forum. I met with about as much success as you, even though I was never uncharitable in my posting. But there was another poster there who was Catholic. They didn’t agree with her, but they liked her and respected her. She shared with them her struggles (I think she was suffering from cancer, if I recall correctly).

The Gospel is spread through relationships more effectively than through debate. Relationships aren’t the only thing. We also want to be able to articulate the reasons for the hope within us. But any arguments you make without love are simply clashing gongs that ring hollow. And it’s not enough to simply think that you are being loving by saying true things. You have to actually love them.

There aren’t really any shortcuts to this. While it’s certainly possible that a person who has been primed by other people in real life will come across a singular post of yours and it will hit them hard and convince them that they’ve been wrong about all this Catholic stuff, the chances of that happening are really small. Drive-by postings and pithy tweet-size statements are not going to cut it most of the time.
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The only way you are going to have any success with that is if you get them to like you first.
Ahhhhhh, the get them to like you first trick. 😉

It’s a funny thing that people are more persuaded by personality than reason. Perhaps it’s a trust thing.
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If you just show up out of the blue and spam them with Catholic apologetics talking points, they are going to tune you out. No one will listen to a single thing you say. It doesn’t matter if you are “right” or not.
Thinking abiut that in regards to CAF, I know that when it comes to non-Catholics, my willingness to read their posts is tied to that in a way. If a Protestant comes and starts making a bunch of “Here’s why I think Catholicism is wrong” type threads, I’m more likely to be annoyed. But if I respect them as a person, I’ll find what they say interesting. And a couple people in that latter category have been helpful in clearing up misconceptions about their faiths.
I would agree with that, and add that I don’t really think that the internet is the best place for these sort of discussions. Sometimes it’s okay. But I know when people come on to Catholic forums (not ones designed for interfaith dialogue, but rather straight up Catholic forums) and start to point out everything they see wrong with the church I get my back up. Even if they had a good point I wouldn’t be inclined to listen.
Is this wrong? They seem to be pretty unopen to the Church.
Is it wrong? no. Is it pointless? Depends on what you expect to happen.

You probably aren’t going to convince anyone, but some of the other forum members might still like to engage you and you might be able to make a point or two along the way.

Just don’t take attacks that personally
Is this wrong? They seem to be pretty unopen to the Church. I feel like I should at least try, what do you say?
I spent a year or two at CARM because I’d heard that it was a pretty tough anti-Catholic place. It was like being presented with a horribly infected wound, you don’t want to look but you can’t help it. The high levels of vicious irrationality ended up greatly strengthening my faith in the Catholic Church, but it’s not a place for the thin-skinned or the weak-willed. Don’t expect to change any minds, they seemed immune to the influence of truth or reason.
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I was completely banned by Chris on rapture forums. It was for “spam”. Lies, it happened seconds after he asked me what the true Church is, I said it is One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic
I think it would expose you to ideas that might over time make you question the Catholic faith even though the ideas would be wrong. Don’t put yourself in that situation.
You can try it, but do so with caution.

Bishop Robert Barron threw himself out there with outstanding results.
But then, we’re not all Bishop Robert Barron. If you find yourself getting angry, condescending, snarky, or otherwise uncharitable, your participation defeats the purpose of sharing our faith. But if you can maintain a high level of kindness, patience, and emotional maturity, by all means give it a go!
I don’t think it would be wrong but I also don’t think it would produce any positive results.
Isn’t that an assumption that individuals on anti-Catholic forums are closed-minded and believe themselves to be inerrant?
It would be a bit like me, an agnostic, coming onto CAF and trying to convince people Catholicism was wrong. Not very respectful, to say the absolute least.
So, “respectful” means to permit both agnostics and CAF readers to believe themselves to be inerrant and smugly immune to all ideas contrary to their own?

Simply to challenge the thoughts of others or to suggest they may not have full access to the truth about this or that, is now “disrespectful?”

Let’s just all sit around in silent but blitheful ignorance believing that each of us is in full possession of the truth because it would be disrespectful to think otherwise, then?

I see. 🤐

Sounds to me like some are afraid to have their cherished beliefs challenged so they are promoting a truce where “I won’t challenge your ideas, if you won’t challenge mine.” A fine and polite show of “respect” all around.

What ever happened to diligence in the search of truth and humility regarding your own current thinking?

Sounds like a world that has lost all concern for truth and accuracy.
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The Gospel is spread through relationships more effectively than through debate.
This, a thousand times this. People need to see and feel Christ’s love.
Like this…
“Woe to you, Chorazin! Woe to you, Bethsaida! For if the deeds of power done in you had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago, sitting in sackcloth and ashes. But at the judgment it will be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon than for you. And you, Capernaum, will you be exalted to heaven?
No, you will be brought down to Hades.
Whoever listens to you listens to me, and whoever rejects you rejects me, and whoever rejects me rejects the one who sent me.” (Luke 10:13-16)
I suppose Christ’s love was felt and seen by his hearers, but that didn’t entail it meant the assurance that they were safe, secure and beyond reproach.
Isn’t that an assumption that individuals on anti-Catholic forums are closed-minded and believe themselves to be inerrant?
I was going off the OP’s post, which seems to suggest just that.
“I won’t challenge your ideas, if you won’t challenge mine.”
Personally after being on CAF for the last four years, it is a position I appreciate. Of course I will discuss my viewpoint and why I disagree with the Catholic position on some things but I am not interested in trying to convince the other side of my position, nor am I interested in changing my own opinion.
What ever happened to diligence in the search of truth and humility regarding your own current thinking?
That is precisely why I said to the OP that I didn’t recommend going to anti-Catholic sites, because they are not interested in changing their beliefs.
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I suppose Christ’s love was felt and seen by his hearers, but that didn’t entail it meant the assurance that they were safe, secure and beyond reproach.
Newsflash - that’s Jesus you’re quoting. He had power behind His words that the rest of us don’t.
You go right ahead and address non-Catholics with threats of Hell. See how many you draw to the Church.
Of course you can defend the faith! But be aware that thick-skin and a good understanding of Catholicism and the differences between us are in order. Be pleasant, controlled, simply stating the truth.
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