Good article by Reno on Benedict's intervention

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…in First Things. Here is the money quote:
Benedict sees the influence the Revolution of ’68 exercised over the Church. As one of the last survivors of the heroic generation, the men who in the mid-twentieth century reshaped the Church with bold new intellectual projects, culminating in the Second Vatican Council, I wish he would reflect on the ways in which the lines of influence went the other way as well. There can be little doubt that Vatican II functioned as a triggering mechanism during the explosive 1960s. It signaled to the West that the epitome of unchanging truth was reconsidering, rethinking, reframing—in a word, revising.
I thought that the triggering mechanism was when the German speaking countries decided to use pornography to teach sex education.
I was in Germany briefly a couple years ago and I was honestly shocked at how explicit they were about sex. Specifically I remember a bus stop that had cartoon public health posters placed where anyone could see them that showed people having sex and said something to the effect of, “use condoms”. Completely bizarre.
The sexual ethos in the US was shaped around puritanism. Other countries don’t share this history so have a more relaxed attitude around sex.
Actually, as an Australian, I think the influence of your country’s lax culture, through movies, tv shows, music, etc is far more pervasive and therefore ultimately more deleterious. I think that the breakdown in public morals in Australia over the last 50 years can be sheeted home far more to the influence of the US than of countries like Germany.
I guess I was unaware that pornographic images are perfectly normal things to hang in public where children can see them and that this is a European ideal. :man_shrugging:t2:
I would agree that the stuff that comes out of Hollywood can be pretty bad. I personally enjoy good movies an TV shows but lately it has become very hard to watch much of anything without getting beat over the head with some kind of ideology or being exposed to basically soft core porn. I don’t believe I claimed that Germany was affecting the morals of Australia, only that Germany had some pretty explicit PSA propoganda where anyone can see it.
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