If I wanted to prove that it is possible for there to be more than one day in a certain week that is a sabbath of sorts, I would turn your modern calendar to Oct 12, 2005 and look at Yom Kippur on Wednesday. Then you can flip open the bible to Lev16:1 to see that Yom Kippur is a day of solemn sabbath rest forever for them. Of course, Saturday will be the usual sabbath that week in Oct. See, two sabbaths as requested.
Otherwise, as someone pointed out, sabbath can be a plural word, as it is in Mt there. I looked it up, as per your request. It is plural when Jesus went into the synagogue and read that Issaiah scroll too (Lk4:16), but there I think they mean the Sabbath, as in one.
I suspect you can also get more than one Passover if you try hard enough, just like you can squeeze more than one date for Easter out of Christians. All you need is some folks using a different calendar.
I think one needs to examine if “day of preparation” means the day before Passover or the day before the regular Sabbath, or what. You also have to confront the deal with John and the Last Supper not being a passover and the Synoptics and it being a passover, but maybe that can be waved away with the more than one passover argument?