Any reason other than being called by God is a bad reason. It’s certainly not easier, it would have it’s own challenges. Choosing between marriage and religious life are not the only two choices for a woman, there are also single life, consecrated life, lay life (3rd orders). If a person doesn’t like the idea of marriage then dont do it, but that does not mean religious life is for her, but perhaps single life is, until at least she discerns further. Bad reasons would be avoiding the outside life, hiding from marriage or single life, being unable to decide what you want… there are far too many to list.
The best thing to do is pray, adoration is a good manner of prayer. God wants you to know His will, He will reveal it to you in time, just let Him take His time. Start looking for information on all the options, your parish should have leaflets on discernment or you can get them online from the Catholic truth society, watch some youtube video’s on young woman entering religious life and single life and consecrated life and read about all the different orders and maybe start a journal of your thoughts on the matter. Just take your time on the matter and see what prayers and thoughts occur to you. When you feel ready for the next step then discuss it with one of the orders or your priest and let him suggest someone for you to talk too. See what piques your interest. Pray a lot and God will direct you and put people and or events in your path so that you will know which way to go. We are so blessed these days that so much information is available on the internet. A lot of contact can be made that way too. God bless you