Goodbye everyone

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Because of the amount of trolls, and circular discussion, and people criticizing choices that people get to make that have no effect on their life whatsoever, that are not even immoral choices, and many here being so easily offended, whilst at the same time not caring if they offend someone else, and the large amount of people here that are apparently lawyers, theologians, scientists etcetera (I don’t doubt many are, just seems disproportionate), I think it would be better for me just to go. You know, when everyone claims to be an expert, it makes me think they really don’t know what they’re talking about. I don’t understand, the logic of, it being okay if someone else does it but not if I do it.
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Sorry to see you go, Adam, but I understand. This place can get that way at times. I pray your time away is full of peace and drawing closer to God. And if you return some day, I’ll be happy to see you.
I will second Joe’s comments. Always nice to read your posts. We have never yet gotten out of the wild west stage on the Forum. Some people like it that way. I find it problematic, but no one died and left me in charge.

Sometimes a break helps. I know several people who are considering a Lenten fast from CAF.

In any event. God Bless you.

Adam, please reconsider. Sometimes, you are the only voice of calm and humor in an otherwise dumb thread. Perhaps just give CAF up for Lent and then come back.
Nice knowing you Adam,thanks for all your posts and I hope you take a break and will be back.
I echo Irishmom2’s sentiments, Adam. I certainly don’t consider myself an expert in Catholicism or anything else. We are all travelers on the road journeying towards our hoped for eventual destination, Heaven.

What I used to do when the Amazon forums and threads got to be too much was to take some time off. Then I would return refreshed and ready to jump into the discussions again.

There may come a day where you really feel you can’t take anymore here at CAF. But I’ll tell you, having suffered the slings and arrows on Amazon, the little skirmishes here are nothing.

There will always be differences of opinion. But you can go to the moderators if you’re really having a problem. Or you can report posts. You know CAF doesn’t tolerate any nonsense.

Whatever you decide, I have always enjoyed your threads and our discussions and will keep you in my prayers. If you want my email addy, I’ll be happy to give it. Always good to have someone to be able to unburden yourself with and listen to.

God love and bless you, dear Adam.

Love, Lily
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Lenten fast. You’ll feel better. Dont let the kids and trolls get you down. We need fun and smart common sense people. Love ua dude.
I know I took a break for a few months after I first joined. It was my first time on a forum. I returned with a new username (that did not include my name and location) and have remained. That doesn’t mean I don’t get discouraged on CAF, but I know when I need time away.

Your posts have added a lot to many threads and your (name removed by moderator)ut will be missed.

Hope you will reconsider and return.
If not, good luck.
Good luck Adam!!! Maybe reconsider after a while.

Not trying to stroke your ego here 😉 but you have always been a good presence here as long as I’ve been on the forums. A steady bloke too. CAF shall miss you.
Take a break if you must but please come back. I’ve always enjoyed reading your perspective on any topic.
My brother in Christ,
I hope you do not leave. It is always a pleasure to have you join a discussion. You often put into words what I try to say myself, but sometimes I lack the finesse. 😊
So sorry you’re leaving Adam! You probably aren’t aware of me but I always enjoy your posts and when I see it’s you, I always read what you write and enjoy it. I’m sure there are many, many others on CAF who feel the same way. Your humor and just plain “southern sense” are much needed on this forum.

OTH, I understand why you wrote what you did and I agree with you. However, we need all kinds of people on CAF and shouldn’t let the so-called experts and others take over. After all, we are all Catholics!

Perhaps take a break for Lent and then check us out again?

If you do go, you’ll be missed but I wish all the best for you.

God Bless you!
I ask you with all sincerity, please do not leave. Yes their is alot that is being said that at times you wish you could reach through the computer, i pad whatever and choke someone,that being said most of the people are kind and considerate, you being one of the best. I kid around with you every now and then, I hope I never offended you in any way.😥 I would just be devastated.Adam, you belong here. Irish Mom said it all, I agree with her except about giving up on us for lent.That’s how I see it, you would be giving up on us, especially. when your (name removed by moderator)ut on caf counts for so much. I know what I’ll be praying for tonight. I always remember everyone on this forum, This is a place I look forward to visit everyday. Please stay with us. God Bless you.🦋🦋
You know I look forward to your posts and I have to say I just admire you, when I get to know you better i’ll say I adore you my friend. God Bless you Irish:Mom.🦋🦋
Well wishes to you Adam, but I am sorry to see you go though as I have enjoyed your posts.

Take a break and get some rest and relaxation and drop by from time to time.
I will add, when all the good poeple leave, it makes for more chaos.
If you are the light at the end of the tunnel should you blow out the flame of the candle? Just wondering. I think you should remain. Take a break from what I will call 'Forum Fatigue. Do not take everyone so seriously or personally. Peace and prayers for you and the Church which is under attack. There is so much misinformation out there. Take time to recharge, but don’t turn off the lights and close the doors. Even Our Lord had to take ‘time out’ and spend 40 days and 40 nights in the desert. All of us pray for you.
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