GOP who downplayed the virus got early vaccinations

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I thought that the first doses were meant for the healthcare workers and nursing home residents.

I’m tired of playing this game of whose the bigger hypocrite.
In the big scheme of things, Im happy they got vaccinated
The regularity and predictability of these posts and articles is tiresome.
Not quite as tiresome as the double standard for Democrat-bashing posts vs. Republican-bashing posts. You can always tell who’s going to approve of the first and object to the second.
Not quite as tiresome as the double standard for Democrat-bashing posts vs. Republican-bashing posts.
Frankly, I don’t read every post. But if someone is going to post a Republican bashing post, I’m pretty sure I know where to look. Hmmm, ignore is sounding interesting! But I guess I only have to tolerate it for 9 more days.
Of course. The latter half of my post was 99.9% snark. Perhaps I need to be more liberal with my emojis.
It certainly isn’t a good thing.
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Here in Minnesota, this played out with the hypocrisy you probably expect from politicians, but also death.

State Republicans at all levels have fought for 9 months to limit covid precautions and regularly downplayed the severity of the pandemic. After failing at all attempts to overturn restrictions designed to prevent the spread of the virus, the state party held a 100+ person post-election party which ignored precautions (they broke the state rules on gatherings, and mostly avoided social distancing and mask-wearing).

Four state senators caught the virus there, and the party informed other Republicans about it, but not Democratic legislators who interacted with them at a special session shortly thereafter.

After 8 straight months of downplaying and resisting the fight against the pandemic, the party predictably pushed for lawmakers and staffers to receive early vaccinations once word came down that the rollout was ready to begin. As you can imagine, that wasn’t received well.

One of the Republican state senators who caught the virus at the election party has since died from it. I can’t help but think of a favorite quote of the right here on CAF: play stupid games, win stupid prizes (thanks to @RhodesianSon for the pithy quote).

BTW: I’m not a Democrat. I last voted for a Democrat in 1992. I’ve typically voted Republican (including for Trump in 2016), but my state party has pushed me to independent status due to their approach to the pandemic and way too much interest in QAnon and other insane conspiracy theories.
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I do not understand the objection. Isn’t it universally objectionable when the powerful use their power for their personal gain, even over those in need? It is not just Republicans who did this. Ocasio-Cortez got one as well, and she is all of what, 30 something? But I guess a girl has to be able to party.
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