Got one of the big shots in Mosul

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The U.S. military says U.S.-led forces in Iraq have captured a prominent militant linked to al-Qaida ally Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. A military statement issued Saturday says Abdul Aziz Sa’dun Ahmed Hamduni – also known as Abu Ahmed – was detained on December 22. The military says Abu Ahmed was the deputy of Abu Talha, commander of a Zarqawi terrorist group in the northern city of Mosul.


There was a $1,000,000 award on him.
Nabbing Another Terrorist Leader In Mosul

Carrying out terrorist operations contains a certain amount of risk, as operatives get exposed during planning and rehearsals and witnesses watch as action unfolds. These risks usually get minimized by using “cells” to shield higher leadership in the organization. So it is surprising that the US has captured its second major leader of the Zarqawi organization within hours of each other, this time the chief of operations in the Mosul area:

A statement identified the man as Abdul Aziz Sa’dun Ahmed Hamduni, also known as Abu Ahmed, and said **he had assumed command of “terrorist operations” in the northern city of Mosul. **He had served as the deputy of the top Mosul militant leader identified as Abu Talha, the statement said.

"Abu Ahmed admitted to receiving money and weapons from Abu Talha as well as coordinating and conducting terrorist attacks in Mosul, the statement said. It said Hamduni was detained on December 22.

“The capture of Abu Ahmed, and the subsequent capture of Abu Marwan on 23 December, show significant progress in the inevitable destruction of the Abu Talha-led Al-Qaeda-Zarqawi terrorist network in Mosul,” said U.S. Brig. Gen. Erwin Lessel, spokesman for Multi-National Forces-Iraq, in the statement.

The US announced Marwan’s capture last week, one that had presumably launched the series of raids that followed. The announcement of Hamduni’s capture came much later, although Hamduni actually came into custody first. Rather than squeezing Marwan, it looks like Hamduni squealed first, allowing the US to round up a number of lower-level operatives as well as Marwan and other more valuable targets, 50 in all.

The bombings continue, and Zarqawi pushes to rain destruction on Iraqis, especially those who work to bring freedom to their fellow citzens. Make no mistake; Zarqawi wants to bring a second fascist darkness to Iraq, not liberate the people from foreign influences. Iraqis themselves have learned this and at least some of them are working with the US and the Coalition to uncover the lunatics and murderers in their midst. Otherwise, the leadership of Zarqawi’s organization would not be nearly as vulnerable as it has proven.
January 8, 2005

Release Number: 05-01-40



BAGHDAD, Iraq – Multi-National Forces detained a key leader of the al Qaida-linked Abu Musab al-Zarqawi terrorist network in Mosul on Dec. 22.

Following a thorough investigation, the individual detained was positively identified as Abdul Aziz Sa’dun Ahmed Hamduni, aka Abu Ahmed.

Abu Ahmed served as a deputy to the emir of Mosul, Abu Talha, and assumed command of terrorist operations in Mosul in Abu Talha’s absence. Abu Ahmed admitted to receiving money and weapons from Abu Talha as well as coordinating and conducting terrorist attacks in Mosul.

“The capture of Abu Ahmed, and the subsequent capture of Abu Marwan on 23 December, show significant progress in the inevitable destruction of the Abu Talha-led Al-Queda-Zarqawi terrorist network in Mosul,” said Brig. Gen. Erwin F. Lessel III, spokesman for Multi-National Forces-Iraq.

Security forces in Iraq have previously announced the capture of Abu Marwan, also a senior-level terrorist in the Talha organization. Security forces also recently captured another senior Talha member whose name cannot be released due to operational security reasons.

“Currently, security forces in Iraq have three of Abu Talha’s four most senior leaders in custody,” Lessel said.

The capture of these key members has led to additional captures throughout the Mosul-based AQ-AMZ network. More than 20 percent of Talha’s key members have been captured in the past few weeks.

Abu Ahmed’s capture removed one of Abu Talha’s most valuable officers from the Mosul-based AQ-AMZ terrorist network. Abu Ahmed remains in detention and is providing information regarding the Talha network.

“These terrorists and Saddamists are doing all they can to stop upcoming elections,” Lessel said. “They fear democracy and the day when the Iraqi people vote for a representative government. The vote by the Iraqi people will reject everything the terrorists stand for – killing innocents, depriving people of food, electricity.”

The use of car bombs and other explosive devices by Abu Ahmed and his affiliates shows disregard for the well-being and security of innocent Iraqi civilians. The Central Criminal Court of Iraq is committed to providing a fair trial to those allegedly engaging in terrorist activities. Those found guilty will be punished accordingly, and thus lose the ability to provide for the future of their families.

The IIG and Multi-National Forces are committed to bringing peace and stability to Iraq and its people. Iraq’s government and security forces grow stronger and more capable every day.

Gilliam, thanks for posting. I know we will get Zarqawi someday. I pray constantly for his capture. He is evil incarnate.

Lisa N
Great post…glad to see we are making some good progress.
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