Grace Community Church hosts indoor Sunday service in defiance of court order

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It’s interesting how “God’s point of view” always seems to agree with the POV of whoever is mentioning God’s POV.
Very true @Tis_Bearself . It seems to be working itself out quite well in my area. Catholic Churches have reopened with orders from the Bishop to social distance, wear masks, limit capacity, and stringent sanitizing. Non-Catholic churches have started to reopen with social distancing, smaller services, masks are more optional. My sister’s church about two hours away - no one is social distancing or wearing masks (except her). She is very uncomfortable and not wanting to attend. For Christians, God should be essential; we also need to exercise common sense and I believe we are doing that. Anything other than that is irresponsible, in my opinion. I just hope MacArthur can live with himself if members of his church contact Covid and die.
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I just hope MacArthur can live with himself if members of his church contact Covid and die.
I suspect that he will live with himself just as he would if someone got hit by a bus on the way to one of his services.
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The government requirements for churches are ridiculous, so while I don’t condone allowing packed services, overall I say good for him! It’s nice to see some pastors stand up for their flock, I wish more bishops would do the same.

In San Francisco, for example, they are limited to 12 people, and that was outdoors and with masks. Really, 12 people? This is not about public health anymore because rules like this defy reason. We can’t be expected to follow these rules like sheep, for no other reason than some official said so.

And yes, church is essential. No question.
Where I live, the reopening of the churches is currently permitted by the authorities, all other precautions remain.

In the two months of closure there have been continuous attacks by groups of faithful - minority but noisy - against the government.

I thought: before there was Covid 19, no one would have doubted to give up the Mass having 40°C of fever, or any serious illness; I have never seen anyone bring their dying grandfather to the festive Mass. Then it is not true that participation in the festive Mass is an absolute necessity, otherwise any faithful, in any condition, should participate, at the cost of dying and making others die.
Fascinating to see some on CAF defend the ridiculous whining from John MacArthur, who might as well be behind those Chick Tracts.
For the record, I didn’t “defend the ridiculous whining” - I merely pointed folks towards his church’s statement regarding their actions. No need for ad hominem.
What about MacArthur’s main point that the gathering of God’s people to worship in community is an essential service?
IMO, the glaring hole in MacArthur’s argument is the 2nd great commandment (something he doesn’t mention at all in his statement BTW). How do we hold the requirement to love our neighbor as ourselves in tension with our love for and need to worship God together?
For the record, I didn’t “defend the ridiculous whining” - I merely pointed folks towards his church’s statement regarding their actions. No need for ad hominem.
I know you weren’t. Please don’t think I was directing that at you. I wasn’t.
I was expressing genuine amusement some Catholics think John MacArthur has a point when their own parishes have been able to operate within the guidelines. John MacArthur is being deliberately provocative.
Ok - sorry about that. Something about these quasi-political threads gets my dander up for some reason and I start taking everything personally. Agree with your point - MacArthur has been lured into being a political pawn. It’s a shame.
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