Graphic Homosexual Handbooks Given to School Children in Massachusetts on Tax Payer M

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Graphic Homosexual Handbooks Given to School Children in Massachusetts on Tax Payer Money April 30 The Pandora’s Box of “Gay” Marriage Opened​

HUNTINGTON, CT – Stephen Bennett, a national spokesman and former homosexual, is outraged at homosexual pornography distributed recently to grade school children in Brookline, Massachusetts.

“The Little Black Book - Queer in the 21st Century” is nothing less than hardcore pornography with vulgarity.

"I have never been more shocked in my life – I’m speechless, "said Stephen Bennett.

Bennett is the Executive Director of SBM, a non-profit pro-family organization which educates America of the truths and dangers of the militant, extremist homosexual agenda. SBM also ministers to those individuals and families affected by homosexuality - providing a way out through Jesus Christ.

Bennett lived as a “gay” man for 11 years, well with over 100 sexual partners. Today, he is happily married to his wife of 12 years and the father of their two children.

“These adults responsible for polluting these young children’s minds need to be arrested and thrown in jail for what they have done – including the faculty, staff and ALL state officials involved. This is just the beginning of the attack on America’s children by militant homosexual activists. This is no less than indoctrination,” said Bennett.

“I would NEVER send anything of this sort to SBM’s mail list, however I feel so strongly America needs to see to what lengths homosexual activists will go to push homosexuality on America’s children. PLEASE – THIS IS VERY OFFENSIVE AND VULGAR - I AM WARNING YOU IN ADVANCE. We need to stop this IMMEDIATELY!!” said Stephen.

(the entire link needs to be in one line in your browser.)
Thanks to Article 8 for standing on the frontlines on this issue!!

Visit SBM on-line 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on-line at or call Nationwide Toll-Free 1-800-832-3623.
Even by today’s standards, that’s pretty shocking. I can’t see any justification for distributing that to any schoolkids, much less grade schoolers.
That was totally gross!!! I would have a cow if my children came home from school with that filth!!! The day that happened I would disenroll them from school, homeschool them, and start a class A suit with as many parents as I could and sue their pants off. It really makes me mad that christian values are targeted by these sinful people in their attempt to justify their lack of morals. My tax dollars should never be used to fund something this profane!!!
Who do we write to to express outrage? The school board? The governor?
Boy:mad: I will tell you what if my child was given something like that at school can’t believe it:mad: That is beyond gross and I am going to send this to my e-mail list so there can be some noise making going on:mad: They throw God out of schools and bring this in!!!I can’t believe it:eek: :mad:
I wish I could say I was surprised.

I really wish I could…
I would have several someone’s jobs for that one. We can’t distribiute Catholic literature to kids and the states sure as vitam aeternam won’t help fund it, but they do this trash!?
I think not!

This is the kind of injustice that God judges countries and states for…Lord have Mercy on us all.

I would send my kids to school with Catholic tracts and tell 'em to just leave 'em in desks and lying around and in restrooms, and the school had BETTER NOT have a blessed thing to say about it.

OKAY, who’s got the Scarborough link?
I am asking everyone to e-mail this to Joe Scarborough on MSNBC and to FOX network,if there is not a show of outrage your child will be getting this at their school as well:mad: If we remain silent this will be distributed every where and the ACLU will help them:banghead:
IF my son came home with that garbage, I would wind up in jail for something…battery, arson, etc…

Not Really, but I sure would hold a public rally against homosexual activity. I would definately take my child out that sin-infested situation.

Massachusettes needs to be added to the list of states[california is the only other one on my list] that God needs to smite from the face of the Earth.

This boils my blood.
Garg I agree my blood is boiling too:mad: I can NOT believe this is being paid for bytax dollars and given to children or any human for that matter:tsktsk: I do NOT understand how this is legal:banghead: Can anyone tell me how this is legal:eek: :mad:
Supposedly it’s about preventing AIDS, so anything goes, apparently. If it’s about AIDS, and is not about abstinence, then it is an urgent message that needs to get out. Good chance we paid for the production of it, not just for its distribution.

Garg I agree my blood is boiling too:mad: I can NOT believe this is being paid for bytax dollars and given to children or any human for that matter:tsktsk: I do NOT understand how this is legal:banghead: Can anyone tell me how this is legal:eek: :mad:
I would argue that the legality IS in question, but who has the resources to go up against the ACLU and the Rainbow Alliance lawyers everytime??? I am sickened by what I read as well, but I really see the war on Morality as one of attrition. Organizations with huge temporal resources at their disposal pick tons of fights knowing they’ll lose some and win others by the sheer amouont of cases out there. Sad but I believe true. 😦 We do need to fight this and every other swipe. Thanks for bringing this to our attention. God Bless.
Grade school…Grade school! I cannot :nope: imagine how parents are dealing with this. Can you feature:eek: finding this :banghead: :mad: garbage in a child’s backpack???
Grade school…Grade school! I cannot :nope: imagine how parents are dealing with this. Can you feature:eek: finding this :banghead: :mad: garbage in a child’s backpack???
It’s worse, but not different in character from my first grader bringing home anti-drug worksheets from Catholic school.

School are tools of the government to promote whatever popular political theories it wants to advance in the minds of our youth.

They are effective tools because the government has nearly a monopoly. Even private schools must bow to them, except on certain religious boundaries that are itching to be crossed at any moment.

If we get school vouchers, the cycle will be complete. In theory school vouchers make sense, but how long will it be between the institution of school vouchers and an ultimatum to Catholic schools to give this sort of information to its children or lose their certification to accept vouchers? At that point only home schooling can save society, but it won’t because no matter what there are only a few percent of parents who are going to do that.

I am going to email this link to my legislators. They need to see what this slippery slope is leading too.
HAHAHAHAHA!!! I’m sorry but as filthy and disgusting that is, I also found it hilarious!!Think about it… the gay community has been trying for YEARS to shed it’s promiscuous “stereotype” and then they put out this booklet that says…" using a condom shows your partner that he is worthwhile as a *&^% and a human being"…In MY community (that is the straight one) calling a “partner” a *&^% means that your only in it for the sex…or in other words, to be promiscuous…this booklet just burned everything they’ve worked for…burned it to the ground. I could understand if the booklet was about dealing with the emotions that come with being gay, you know, numbers of counsellors and so on…but this is a sex guide!!! The gay community played russian roulette with this one, and they just lost…
I think it’s important for everyone here on this forum to understand the facts of this case. This booklet (though I will never defend it because it’s horrible) was not handed out to grade schoolers. It is a book that the AIDS Action Committee in Massachusetts uses to teach about “AIDS awareness” and distributes it to gay men who are 18 years of age or older. They have never handed it out at a school.

Allegedly the booklet was handed out at a high school. My guess is that this is true, but it was distributed by an unauthorized person as the school, Brookline High School, has said that an “investigation is underway.”
Allegedly the booklet was handed out at a high school. My guess is that this is true, but it was distributed by an unauthorized person as the school, Brookline High School, has said that an “investigation is underway.”
I certainly hope it was unauthorized. There are magazines a lot cleaner than that porn, that news dealers aren’t allowed to display in plain sight, lest children see them.
I think it’s important for everyone here on this forum to understand the facts of this case. This booklet (though I will never defend it because it’s horrible) was not handed out to grade schoolers. It is a book that the AIDS Action Committee in Massachusetts uses to teach about “AIDS awareness” and distributes it to gay men who are 18 years of age or older. They have never handed it out at a school.

Allegedly the booklet was handed out at a high school. My guess is that this is true, but it was distributed by an unauthorized person as the school, Brookline High School, has said that an “investigation is underway.”
Wow! I’m so glad you posted that because I was getting really sick to my stomach thinking this was being distributed to little kids. Come to think of it, it’s pretty gross that anyone would be distributing this trash to another person regardless of age. Yuck, Yuck, Yuck!
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